

/RECALL [-wworld] [-ligv] [-t[format]] [-aattrs] [-mstyle] [-An] [-Bn] [-Cn] [#]range [pattern]

Recalls lines from a history buffer. Only one of the [-ligw] options can be used, to specify the history from which to recall.


recall from current world's history (default)
recall from world's history
recall from local history (i.e., TF output)
recall from global history (all worlds, and local)
recall from input history
display timestamps on each line, using format. If format is omitted, "[%{time_format}]" will be used. The format is described in ftime().
recall lines that don't match the pattern
quiet: suppress the header and footer lines
suppress specified attributes (e.g., -ag shows gagged lines)
matching style (simple, glob, or regexp).
Print n lines of context after each matching line.
Print n lines of context before each matching line.
Equivalent to -An -Bn.
display line numbers (must be last option, before range)

range can have one of the formats below. If x and y are plain integers, they are interpreted as line numbers or counts. If they have the form "hours:minutes" or "hours:minutes:seconds", they are interpreted as time values (either a period of time, or a clock time within the last 24 hours). If they are real numbers (with up to 6 decimal places), they are interpreted as absolute system times.

Recall the last x matching lines.
Recall from the last x lines, or lines within the last time period x.
Recall lines starting with x and ending with y.
If y is a line number, recall the yth previous line; if y is a time, recall lines earlier than y. Remember to use "-" before "-y" so it isn't interpreted as an option.
Recall lines after x.

If range is prefixed with "#", line numbers will be displayed.

If pattern is given, only lines in the given range that match pattern will be recalled. The matching style is determined by the -m option if given, %{matching} otherwise.

If the output of /recall is being sent to the screen, it will be preceded by "================ Recall start ================" and follwed by "================= Recall end =================" unless -q is used. These lines will not be produced if the output is redirected, for example with $(...) command substitution or "/quote `/recall". When -A, -B, or -C is used, groups of lines that are not adjacent in history will be separated by "--".

If lines are received while tf is suspended (by ^Z or /suspend) or in a subshell (by /sh), the timestamps on the lines will correspond to the time tf resumed control, not the time they actually arrived.

The return value of /recall is the number of lines that were actually recalled.

Because the output of /recall may clutter the current window, you may wish to use /limit instead.


These examples assume that matching=glob (the default).
Recall every line beginning with "Kite whispers" that arrived in the last hour:
/recall 1:00 Kite whispers*
Recall every line that arrived between 11 am and 1 pm:
/recall 11:00-13:00
Recall the last 5 lines containing "spam":
/recall /5 *spam*
Recall the last 4th most recent line:
/recall - -4

See: history, attributes, /limit, /quote, %time_format

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Copyright © 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006-2007 Ken Keys