

/QUOTE [options] [pre] '"file"[suf]
/QUOTE [options] [pre] #"recall_args"[suf]
/QUOTE [options] [pre] !"shell_cmd"[suf]
/QUOTE [options] [pre] `"TF_cmd"[suf]

/Quote generates lines of text, one for each line quoted from a file, shell command, history, or TF command. Each generated line is then echoed, sent to a socket, or executed as a command. Lines will be generated at a rate described in the section "processes".

Options and arguments:

disposition of generated text. Disp is one of: "echo" (echo to the screen), "send" (send directly to the socket), or "exec" (execute text as a tf command). The default disp is "send" if there is no pre, and "exec" if there is a pre.
Generated commands will be executed with world as the current world. If world is blank, it uses the world that was current when the /quote started. If -w is omitted, each command's current world will be whatever happens to be in the foreground when each command occurs. (See "sockets").
The delay between each generated line. It can have the format "hours:minutes:seconds", "hours:minutes", or "seconds", and seconds may be specified to the nearest microsecond. If -time is omitted, the variable %{ptime} is used. If time is given as the letter "S", the quote will run synchronously, with no delay. If a slow shell command is used with /quote -S !, tf will hang until the command produces some output or exits. A synchronous /quote may be used inside another /quote. If time is given as the letter "P", the quote will run whenever a prompt is received. See "processes" for more information on process timing.
Expand TF_cmd as if %{sub} were set to sub. By default, /quote expands TF_cmd as if %{sub} were "full".
pre is prefixed to each generated line. If pre contains any of the command characters ('!`#), they must be preceded with '\' to remove their special meaning.
Get text from file. The file name is expanded as described under /help filenames.
Get text from the standard output and standard error of executing shell_cmd in the shell.
Get text from the output of executing TF_cmd in tf.
Get text from executing /recall recall_args. (See "recall" for the exact syntax).
Append suf to each generated line. If omitted, the double quotes around the file or command may also be omitted.

An asynchronous (background) /quote (i.e., a /quote without -S) returns the pid of the new process, or 0 if an error occurred. A synchronous (-S) shell (!) or command (`) quote returns the return value of the command. A synchronous file (') quote returns 0 on error, nonzero otherwise.

The library file quoter.tf defines some useful quoter commands that are shortcuts for some common uses of quote.

The following is a list of some nearly equivalent pairs of commands:

/quote -S -dexec 'file
/load file
/quote -S /echo -aG - #args
/recall args
/quote opts `/recall args
/quote opts #args


  /quote -1 :reads about '"/usr/dict/words" in the dictionary.
This sends off lines like:
  :reads about aardvark in the dictionary.
  :reads about aardvore in the dictionary.
with one-second delays between lines.

  /quote -S /echo !ps -gux
This displays the output of the system command "ps -gux" by echoing it locally, immediately.

  /quote -0 :heard: #-wCave /2 *pages*
This sends off quickly:

:heard: [the last 2 lines from Cave that contain "pages"]

  /quote :is using `/version
will tell everybody in the room what version of TF you're running.

  /quote -wlpmud -dsend 'prog.c
will send the file "prog.c" to the world "lpmud", without any interpretation of leading spaces or slashes (in lines like "/* comment */"), etc.)

See: processes, %ptime, %lpquote, quoter.tf, history, command subs, /load, /recall, /sh, /sys, /paste

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Copyright © 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006-2007 Ken Keys