/COMPLETE [type]
When a part of a word is typed, and then /complete is called (from a keybinding), it will attempt to fill in the rest of the word. The possible words it chooses from depend on type. If no type is given, it completes from context: it will choose the type of completion based on earlier parts of the line being typed, plus previous input history. For example, if the line begins with "/connect", it will use worldname completion; if the word begins with "%" or "%{", it will use variable name completion; etc.
The following table lists the meanings and the default keybindings for each type.
Keys Type Meaning ---- ---- ------- ^[^I (ESC TAB) complete word depending on context ^[^W worldname complete tf world name ^[$ macroname complete tf macro name ^[% variable complete tf variable name ^[/ filename complete file name (unix only) ^[; user_defined complete from %{completion_list} ^[i input_history complete from previously typed words sockname complete name of open tf socket
The "ESC TAB" and "ESC ;" bindings will use the %{completion_list} variable, in which you can store a list of any words you want to be able to complete.
You can also define your own types of completion. See the %{TFLIBDIR}/ file for more information.
See: keybindings, interface