standard library

When TF is started, commands are loaded from the standard library (%{TFLIBDIR}/ If the installer has created an optional local library (%{TFLIBDIR}/, that will also be loaded. Macros defined in the standard library are marked with the invisible option ("-i") so they will not be processed by /list, /save and /purge unless forced. Redefining or undefining such a macro will clear the -i option, so customized macros with the same names as library macros can be created, listed, saved, and purged.

See also: utilities


These macros may be redefined to any filename. LOGFILE contains the default filename used by /log. MACROFILE, HILITEFILE, GAGFILE, TRIGFILE, BINDFILE, HOOKFILE, and WORLDFILE contain the default filenames used by the /load* and /save* families of commands.

List commands:

/listdef spec
equivalent to '/list spec'.
/listhilite spec
lists hilites on spec.
/listgag spec
lists gags on spec.
/listtrig spec
lists triggers on spec.
/listbind spec
lists key bindings matching spec
/listhook spec
lists hooks matching spec.

See: /list

Purge commands:

/purgedef spec
purges macros whose name matches spec
/purgehilite spec
purges macros with hilites on spec
/purgegag spec
purges macros with gags on spec
/purgetrig spec
purges macros with triggers on spec
/purgedeft spec
purges named macros with triggers on spec
/purgebind spec
purges key bindings matching spec.
/purgehook spec
purges hooks matching spec.

See: /purge

Load commands:

/loaddef, /loadhilite, /loadgag, /loadtrig, /loadbind, /loadhook, /loadworld. All take a file argument; if the argument is omitted, the appropriate default filename macro is used.

See: /load

Save commands:

/savedef, /savehilite, /savegag, /savetrig, /savebind, /savehook, /saveworld. All take a file argument. If file is omitted, the appropriate default filename macro is used.

See: /save

File compression:

The helpfile, personal config file, and files read with /load may be stored compressed on disk. If TF can not find a file with the specified name, it will add ${COMPRESS_SUFFIX} to the filename and try to read it by piping it through ${COMPRESS_READ}. ${COMPRESS_READ} should contain the name of a shell command that takes a filename as an argument, and prints its output on standard output. The default values for ${COMPRESS_SUFFIX} and ${COMPRESS_READ} defined in the library are ".Z" and "zcat" for unix, ".zip" and "unzip -p" for os/2. Undefining ${COMPRESS_SUFFIX} will disable this feature. Note: /save, /saveworld, and /log do not write compressed files.

World connection commands:

/retry world [delay]
Try to connect to world; repeat every delay seconds until successful.
/retry_off [world]
Cancels "/retry world" (default: all worlds)

Hilite commands:

/hilite_whisper, /hilite_page, /nohilite_whisper, and /nohilite_page turn on or off hiliting several different page and whisper formats.

Backward compatible commands:

/reply, /act, /nolog, /nologin, /nologme, /noquiet, and /nowrap are provided for compatibility.

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Copyright © 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006-2007 Ken Keys