

/TELNET host [port]

Connect to a line-based telnet host. The telnet login port is used if port is omitted.

Note that TF operates strictly in line-by-line mode, but telnetd (the server running on the telnet login port) expects character-by- character mode. So, simple shell operations and anything else which is basically line-by-line should work without much difficulty, but anything that tries to control the screen or expects single keystroke input will not work. /Telnet is somewhat useful, but not useful enough to alter the fundamental line-by-line nature of TF. If you want a general telnet client, you know where to find it.

TF supports most of the TELNET protocol (even if a command other than /telnet was used to connect). TF implements the TELNET options ECHO (lets server control echoing of input), SGA (suppress GOAHEAD), EOR (allows use of END-OF-RECORD in prompts), NAWS (allows TF to send window size information to the server), TTYPE (allows server to ask about the terminal type), and BINARY (allows transmission of 8-bit characters). For TTYPE queries, TF responds "TINYFUGUE", "ANSI-ATTR", "ANSI", and "UNKNOWN", in that order. For information on TELNET protocol, see RFC 854 and 1123. See also: prompts.

See: /addtelnet, /connect, %telopt, %binary_eol, protocols

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