

/LISTWORLDS [-cus] [-mstyle] [-Sfield] [-Ttype] [name]

Lists world definitions.

Options and arguments:

Use style for pattern matching of type and name patterns. (default: %{matching}).
Display short format (world names only).
Display command format (including passwords).
Sort worlds by field. Field may be "name" (the default), "type", "character", "host", "port", or "-" (don't sort). Only the first character is necessary.
Include unnamed temporary worlds in the listing.
List only worlds with a type matching the pattern type.
List only worlds with a name matching the pattern name.

If neither -s nor -c are given, a table format is used, and passwords are not shown. The return value of /listworlds is the number of worlds listed.

See: worlds, patterns

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Copyright © 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006-2007 Ken Keys