

/FEATURES [name]

With no arguments, /features prints a list of optional TF features, each prefixed with "+" or "-" to indicate that it is enabled or disabled, respectively.

With a name argument, /features returns 0 or 1 if the feature name is disabled or enabled, respectively, in this instance of tf. Case is insignificant in name.

  Feature           Meaning
  -------           -------
  256colors         256 color support
  core              If tf crashes, it can dump a core file
  float             Floating point arithmetic and functions
  ftime             ftime() accepts % formatting
  history           /recall and /quote #
  IPv6              Internet Protocol version 6
  locale            allow alternate character sets and date formats
                    (see: locale)
  MCCPv1            Mud Client Compression Protocol version 1 (see: mccp)
  MCCPv2            Mud Client Compression Protocol version 2 (see: mccp)
  process           /repeat and /quote
  SOCKS             SOCKS proxy
  ssl               Secure Sockets Layer
  subsecond         time is measured with subsecond accuracy
  TZ                honors the TZ variable


  /if (!features("ssl")) /echo -e warning: socket is not secure%; /endif

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Copyright © 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006-2007 Ken Keys