

/BIND sequence = command

Creates a macro that will be executed when sequence is typed at the keyboard. The sequence may use ^key notation for a control key, and \number for an ascii character code in octal, hexadecimal, or decimal. For example, the escape character can be given by any of these forms: ^[, \033, \0x1B, or \27.

When the key sequence sequence is typed at the keyboard, command is executed. The command is actually a macro body, so all the substitutions described under "evaluation" will be performed. The most common command used with a key binding is /dokey.

At startup, TF defines bindings for /dokey BSPC, BWORD, DLINE, REFRESH, LNEXT, UP, DOWN, RIGHT, and LEFT based on your terminal settings. Also, the standard macro library defines a set of (invisible) default bindings, one for each of the /dokey functions.

If /bind fails for any reason, it returns 0. Otherwise, it returns the number of the new macro (useful in /undefn and /edit).

As of version 3.5, the NUL character (^@) is allowed in keybindings.

The command
/bind sequence = command
is equivalent to
/def -b"sequence" = command.


  /bind ^Xtw = :jumps to the left%;:steps to the right!
  /bind ^[q = /set more off
  /bind ~ky = /input Kyosuke

See: keys, /dokey, /unbind, /input, interface

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