Here are a few VERY basic things to get you started:
- Cast 'harvest vitae' on mob and kill it to gather vitae
- Cast 'reap potentia' on mob and kill it to gather potentia
- Can only gather vitae OR potentia, not both at the same mob
- Vitae and Potentia are used to increase tank and caster stats on minions with the
'nourish enthralled' spell, or can be used to empower the 'corrupt ground' spell.
- To enthrall mobs:
- Cast 'evaluate host' at monster to make sure you can enthrall it.
- Fight monster down to 40% health or less then cast 'enthralling parasite' at it. May take multiple tries.
- Once you have it enthralled it is a 'temporary minion'. You can convert it to a 'permanent minion' at the Nergal guildhall. See some of the pages below for more info on that.
- Type of creature you can enthrall is limited by your 'evolutionary apex' skill, which is a mastery skill that grows as you do Nergal stuff.
- Number of minions you can have out at once is limited based on which evolutions you have taken on the 'Minion' branch of the evolution tree.
- Cast 'end enthrallment' at your minion to dismiss it. Permanent minions can be called again, temporary minions are gone forever.
- Doing the Nergal tasks grants 'evolution points' you can spend on the Nergal Evolution Tree to modify things about diseases, minions or stats.
- In the nw scenic you will see 'entangled roots forming altar-like structure'. Typing 'touch flame' gives commands you can use. 'reveal' shows list of not currently summoned minions. 'convert' converts a temporary minion to a permanent one. 'release' dests the minion. 'shift' lets you shift a minion to another host, but requires a chaotic act. 'mark' lets you give a handle to a minion.
- In the north-central scenic you can 'pray' to get a complete list of chaotic acts, 'pray completed' or 'pray missing' to show completed and missing acts.
- In the ne scenic you will see 'entangled roots and withered leaves forming a bowl'. Typing 'drink bowl' gives commands you can use. 'inspect' lets you inspect a summoned minion to see skills/spells known and how many slots they have open. 'teach' lets you teach knowledge you have in 'nergal knowledge'. 'forget' makes a minion forget a skill/spell.
- In the sw scenic is the Nergal Evolution Tree (see link below)
To summon permanent minions:
- cast corrupt ground (Must be in 'outdoors' location. 'look at sky' if you see something like "Above you is a warm, rolling, heavily clouded sky." then you are outdoors.)
- cast awaken enthralled at <true name of minion>
- Permanent minion true names can be listed inside Nergal guild at tree root altar with 'reveal' or if you create a party and use the minion names listed from "party status" with the command "minion minion name stats". This will show true names of temporary minions as well.
You can set aliases for your minions: alias min1 abcde-fghijk-lmnop-q
Now you can use 'min1' instead of the long true name of the minion in anything that references it.
Here is the dialog with the various Legates in the guild hall
Heres a list of sites with alot of further info on the Nergal Guild:
Marvin's AWESOME Nergal Evolution Tree
Nergal Rare Race List
Porkzar's Nergal 101
Tazliel's Nergal Info