Here is a list of skills that show improvement through 'learn by doing', parsed from my logs.
absorb magic alloying amalgamate analysis of magic lore attack avalanche slam axes battery battlecry blacksmithing bladed fury bludgeons brawling bypass armour camping cardiac stimulation cast acid cast destruction cast generic cast harm cast heal cast information cast protection cast rift cast teleportation cast transformation ceremony chaotic spawn charge chest creation cleave combat damage analysis consider controlled motion cooking create armour create vortex damage criticality detect trap dissection double mine double torch earthquake kick essence eye expose weakness falcon talon strike falling boulder strike fire building first aid fishing geyser force kick hydra fang strike impale kick kiss of death knowledge of herb conservation leadership leather craft location of weak points long blades longbow shot lure make reagent mana control martial arts meditation metal fist minecrafting mineral cutting mining pin down plant lore polearms pound power slash precise slash protection by sacrifice quick chant refining repair armour repair item rift channelling runic research seething fervor shield bash short blades skinning skullsplitter slash stab stalwart stance study creature stun swim tame mount tsunami push vortex analysis way of the scythe whips wound