Here is a list of Minecrafting achievements. This list is not complete, and if you have any you'd like to share, send me a tell in-game and I'll add it to the list.

Now in alphabetical order! Special thanks to Div, Moor, Choboeio, Pirutar and Zoid for helping to add to this list.

 * A human mole (Dig over 100 tunnels, 50 points)
 * A stick called Wanda (Find a wand, 50 points)
 * Abandonment issues (Abandon your mine for others to explore, 100 points)
 * Anger Management (Summon the Warden without disturbing his essence, 100 points)
 * Awww Yisss, Imma be rich! (Find multiple valuables from a mine, 10 points)
 * Batshit Crazy (Open a bat-infested cabinet, 25 points)
 * Boozehound (Find alcohol in the mine, 10 points)
 * Buried alive! (Try to collapse a mine over monsters., 10 points)
 * But this goes to eleven. (Get minecrafting over 100%, 50 points)
 * Cabinet Crew (Search an abandoned cabinet, 50 points)
 * Catcher (Get over 100 rat kills with your cat, 10 points)
 * Check out my junk... yard (Allow somebody else into your mine, 20 points)
 * Chomp Chomp Om Nom (Unleash a cat upon monsters invading your mine, 10 points)
 * Come take a look at this! (Find something valuable, 20 points)
 * Common cause (Join the Dragonstone Event, 20 points)
 * Compulsion (Dig over 30000kg's of minerals, 200 points)
 * Crawlspace (Encounters, 50 points)
 * Creepy Collector (Collect valuables from a mine worth more than 300k gold, 1000 points)
 * Crossroads (Find a trail to a treasure cache underground, 200 points)
 * Demolisher (Collapse a mine, 20 points)
 * DENIED! (Deny access to mine from somebody, 20 points)
 * Dig a hole, any hole! (Create a mineshaft, 5 points)
 * Dig your own hole (Reach a depth over 25 paces, 10 points)
 * Drums. Drums in the deep. (Dig over 500 tunnels, 400 points)
 * Eat and Conquer (Get over 2000 rat kills with your cat, 1000 points)
 * Edumacation! (Find a scroll of minecrafting, 10 points)
 * Fetcher (Get over 500 rat kills with your cat, 50 points)
 * Finders Keepers (Collect EVEN more valuables from a mine, 25 points)
 * Get stoned (Find a drawing stone in the mine, 20 points)
 * Good things come in small packages (Find a very small piece of mineral, 5 points)
 * Groundhog day (Dig over 50 tunnels, 20 points)
 * Guys... this isn't funny anymore! (A monster finds you!, 5 points)
 * Happy Meal (Feed a starving prisoner, 100 points)
 * Hauling at the moon (Dig over 2000kg's of minerals, 10 points)
 * Helpy helper dude (Try to dig in the wrong mine, 20 points)
 * Hide and Seek (Encounters, 50 points)
 * Hoarder 5000 (Collect valuables from a mine worth more than 500k gold, 2000 points)
 * Hokey Pokey (Jumpscare the hidden Peddler, 100 points)
 * Horse d'oeuvre, Sir? (Feed a starving animal in the Fortress, 50 points)
 * How am I supposed to carry this? (Find a very large piece of mineral, 5 points)
 * I can has cheeseburger? (Deal 50000 damage with your cat, 100 points)
 * I can see my house from here! (Dig over 20000kg's of minerals, 150 points)
 * I dig your skills (Get minecrafting at 100%, 50 points)
 * I hope he comes back! (Release your cat, 5 points)
 * I shall call him Squishy! (Rename your cat, 5 points)
 * I should get a safe (Collect more valuables from a mine, 15 points)
 * I want to see your manager (Try to return an incorrect item to Sniffles, 10 points)
 * I'm in a hurry! (Try to collapse a mine with something in it, 10 points)
 * I'm rich enough (Collapse a mine with money in it, 20 points)
 * I'm sorry was this taken? (Try to create a mineshaft above another, 20 points)
 * Impossibru! (Dig over 200000kg's of minerals, 5000 points)
 * In the Den of War (Summon the Warden of the abandoned fortress., 500 points)
 * Infestation (Find rats, 5 points)
 * Innocence (Encounters, 50 points)
 * Just Gopher It! (Use a bag of angry gophers to build a mine structure for you., 100 points)
 * Kill Confirmed (Get a rat kill with your cat, 1 points)
 * l'Ossuaire Municipal (Dig over 300 tunnels, 150 points)
 * Landslide (Dig over 3000kg's of minerals, 50 points)
 * Lemme fix that for you (Try to support someone else's mine, 20 points)
 * Lift Loft Laft (Build a lift to the breach., 100 points)
 * Light the torch (Use a lantern inside an abandoned mine, 50 points)
 * Location Location Location (Attempt to locate your mine, 20 points)
 * Loop-de-loop (Dig into your own tunnel, 5 points)
 * Madness (Encounters, 50 points)
 * Markings on the wall (Use a sharpstone to mark your depth, 20 points)
 * Mister you smell funny! (Find Sniffles, 20 points)
 * Molder Scrolls (Find a scroll, 50 points)
 * Moooooom! I'm tired! (Try to tunnel when you're too exhausted., 10 points)
 * Mountains of Madness (Dig over 100000kg's of minerals, 1000 points)
 * Mutually Assured Destruction (Obtain another cat companion, 100 points)
 * My First Pet Rock (Find minerals in a mine, 5 points)
 * My precioussss... (Collect valuables from a mine worth more than 200k gold, 500 points)
 * Omnia dicta fortiora si dicta Latina (Scribble something to your mineshaft wall, 20 points)
 * Peace sells... but who's buying? (Summon the Warden filled with rage!, 100 points)
 * Pipeline (Follow the signs and dig all the way to the treasure, 200 points)
 * Points shadily earned (Refund something at Sniffles, 10 points)
 * Points well spent (Buy something from Sniffles, 20 points)
 * Pointy end towards the enemy (Find a weapon in the mine, 20 points)
 * Puddle of blood (Search a corpse inside an abandoned mine, 50 points)
 * Raggedy man (Encounters, 50 points)
 * Rat Banquet (Get over 3000 rat kills with your cat, 2000 points)
 * Rat'n'Roll (Find over 100 rats, 30 points)
 * Seal the Deal (Release a sealed prisoner in the Fortress, 20 points)
 * Security breach (Locate the breach, 5 points)
 * Sequel of decay (Collapse an old mine, 20 points)
 * Serenity (Dig with fireflies, 20 points)
 * Slippery slope (Dig with salve, 20 points)
 * Snatcher (Get over 200 rat kills with your cat, 20 points)
 * So, where's the loot? (Don't get anything from tunneling, 20 points)
 * Stand By Menace (Don't flee the Warden after it attacks, 500 points)
 * Statutory Savagery (Kill the guardian before it calls for help, 100 points)
 * Swiss cheese (Dig over 200 tunnels, 100 points)
 * That belongs in a museum (Find an armour, 5 points)
 * That's a big pile of rocks (Dig over 5000kg's of minerals, 75 points)
 * That's one curvy tunnel (Win the dragonstone event, 50 points)
 * The Black Plague (Find over 10000 rats, 500 points)
 * The Dig (Reach a depth over ten paces, 10 points)
 * The Exterminator (Find over 1000 rats, 50 points)
 * The Molten Core (Dig over 400 tunnels, 200 points)
 * The Ratman (Find over 5000 rats, 200 points)
 * The Slab King (Dig over 1000kg's of minerals, 5 points)
 * The Support Group (Support mine structures, 20 points)
 * This is going to sting a bit (Mine a living rock, 25 points)
 * This is madness! (Dig over 1000 tunnels, 1000 points)
 * This must be a sign! (Destroy your protective mineshaft sign, 5 points)
 * True Assassin (Get over 1000 rat kills with your cat, 100 points)
 * Two for the price of one (Try to create two simultaneous mineshafts, 20 points)
 * Wakey Wakey (Wake up the stone dragon, 100 points)
 * Waterslide (Try to create a mineshaft in a watery location, 20 points)
 * We don't gnaw on our kitty (Get over 5000 rat kills with your cat, 5000 points)
 * Well read (Read the note in the well, 10 points)
 * Whack-a-Mole (Attempt to break surface from within your tunnel, 100 points)
 * What do you mean by 'supports'? (Tunnel collapses on you, 20 points)
 * Where the evil dwells (Excavate to considerably dangerous depths, 100 points)
 * Who leaves this stuff lying around? (Collect valuables from a mine worth more than 100k gold, 200 points)
 * Whose tunnels are these anyways? (Find abandoned tunnels, 50 points)
 * Why is there always a sewer level? (Locate an ancient structure inside the mine, 100 points)
 * Worm Whisperer (Simply ask for the treasure!, 100 points)
 * X didn't mark the spot (Find a treasure chest, 10 points)
 * XXX POISON XXX (Use rat poison, 20 points)
 * Yarrr! (Find a treasure map, 20 points)
 * You can actually fail this? (Fumble minecrafting, 20 points)
 * You get exp! And you get exp! EVERYBODY GETS EXP! (A player kills monsters in your abandoned mine., 100 points)
 * You should start a mining company (Dig over 10000kg's of minerals, 100 points)