Instructor asks 'What do you need now, maggot?'

1: Tell me what I need to know about joining the Legion.

2: Sir! I'm new to the Legion. What can I ask about?

3: No sir! I've done my homework and I'm ready for war!

Enter your choice: 1

You roar 'Tell me what I need to know about joining the Legion.'

Instructor snarls 'The Legion of the Blood God recruits many and if you are more than the pre-pubescent girl you look like, you might have what it takes to join. Naturally there are many different requirements, but we do like to maintain a certain standard. The Legion recruits meat for the grinder from almost everywhere.'

1: Where can I join?

2: What kind of requirements do I need to meet?

Enter your choice: 1

You ask 'Where can I join?'

Instructor snarls 'The legion recruits new members from across the realm. We have a recruiter here in the guild, named Barc Sharptongue. If you choose to join through him you will be a member of the cohort of Cassowaries. However, most Disciples of Chaos decide to immediately join our ranks and do so in the Temple of Chaos. Those who choose to join there become members of the cohort of Cormorants.'

Enter your choice: 2

You ask 'What kind of requirements do I need to meet?'

Instructor snarls 'We recruit from the evil religious and nomad backgrounds. Recruits must first serve as a Disciple of Chaos before joining the Legion of Kharim. While nomads do not usually worship the forces of destruction, their souls are blackened to allow them worship of Chaos.'

Enter your choice: 2

You ask 'Sir! I'm new to the Legion. What can I ask about?'

Instructor snarls 'That's exactly what I'm here for. With my guidance you will soon be ready to die for Overlord Kharim. We always need more meat for the grinder and more fodder for the front lines. You should know that there is no substitute for the feeling you get when you crush your enemies beneath your feet or the exhilaration of plunging your blade into the stomach of a subdued enemy.'

1: What kind of people are needed in the Legion?

2: I'm interested in hearing about the hierarchy of Kharim.

3: What are the ranks in the Legion?

4: Tell me about situational warfare.

5: Tell me about weapon techniques.

6: Tell me about how swords are used in the Legion.

7: I'm interested in hearing about the Hall of One Thousand Voices.

8: What is the Black Order of Blood all about?

9: Nothing more now, sir.

Enter your choice: 1

You ask 'What kind of people are needed in the Legion?'

Instructor asks 'There are many things you need to know in the Legion. Assuming you aren't retarded, you might be able learn this. There are several fields of expertise in the Legion and within each expertise there are several sub-divisions. It is possible to to learn all of the different kinds of skills attributed to each. Even though specialization is important, it is also important to learn several abilities that can keep your ass out of the frying pan while on the field of combat. But, Let's put it this way, Which expertise are you most interested in?'

1: Tell me about the scouts.

2: Tell me about the legionaries.

3: Tell me about the vandals.

4: Tell me about the flankers.

5: Tell me about the warlords.

6: Tell me about the dark templars.

7: Tell me about the warmonger.

8: Tell me about the archer legions.

Enter your choice: 1

You roar 'Tell me about the scouts.'

Instructor asks 'The main emphasis in scout training is on physical fitness and basic survival skills. Which by the look of things, you somehow missed out on. Still, Those are just the prerequisites for combat training. However, some still choose to concentrate on tasks that just require good scouting skills. This is the work of scouts, messengers or spies. Do you need a minute to let that sink into your thick skull or are you ready to continue?'

1: Yes. What are the tasks of those who are scouts?

2: Yes. What are the tasks of those who are messengers?

3: Yes. What are the tasks of those who are spies?

4: Nothing more now, Sir!

Enter your choice: 1

You ask 'Yes. What are the tasks of those who are scouts?'

Instructor snarls 'Scouts usually are used to create a vanguard that goes before the legion. They investigate the outlying area and report possible ambushes to the command. That way, if something happens, only the vanguard gets chewed up like cannon fodder and the rest of the legion isn't caught up in some kinda trap.'

Enter your choice: 2

You ask 'Yes. What are the tasks of those who are messengers?'

Instructor snarls 'Messengers deliver messages between legion commanders or or other leaders. Whenever there is need to send a message, a messenger is sent. They act alone most of the time, as traveling with others only slows them down.'

Enter your choice: 3

You ask 'Yes. What are the tasks of those who are spies?'

Instructor snarls 'The tasks of spies sometimes require infiltration or attempting sabotage. Their tasks vary widely and often they end up doing the same kind of tasks that the scouts do.'

Enter your choice: 2

You roar 'Tell me about the legionaries.'

Instructor snarls 'The major emphasis in training a legionary is that they need to know the code of militaristic behavior by heart and they are taught the common fighting principles. While the common legionary is nothing but a mere pawn in war, a large number of trained soldiers are a necessary tool for any commander. Kharim's legion is known for it's great number of legionaries and hussars. At their heart, every member of the Legion of Kharim is a legionary.'

1: Tell me about standard legionaries.

2: What are hussars?

3: Thank you, Sir! I think that is enough for now.

Enter your choice: 1

You roar 'Tell me about standard legionaries.'

Instructor snarls 'The most important qualities of a trained legionary are discipline and combat skill. Trained soldiers are taught to follow orders without question and fight in formation. They are expected to stand and die if commanded to. It is a legionary's greatest honor to die in the service of Kharim.'

Enter your choice: 2

You ask 'What are hussars?'

Instructor snarls 'Hussars are the Legions mounted troops. They are most often used to perform flanking charges against enemy infantry. They are also extremely useful in attacking the enemies ranged units as they are able to cover ground quickly. Most Hussars prefer to ride fire drakes or manticores.'

Enter your choice: 3

You roar 'Tell me about the vandals.'

Instructor snarls 'Vandals form an elite division in the Legion of Kharim. They are an effective group of brutal veterans who excel in spreading chaos. They sew terror everywhere they go, ravaging settlements, desecrating fields of crop, and destroying what is left. They are widely respected by both their allies and even their most hated enemies. They are taught to be merciless, deceitful, and do whatever it takes to turn the tide of battle in their favor. Vandals are split into three subdivisions called mercenaries, skirmishers and cataphracts. Not that you will ever attain the skill, much less maintain the level of discipline that is required to become a Vandal.'

1: Tell me about mercenaries?

2: Tell me about skirmishers?

3: Tell me about cataphracts?

4: Sir, that is enough for now.

Enter your choice: 1

You ask 'Tell me about mercenaries?'

Instructor snarls 'Mercenaries make their living by slaying their enemies and looting the bleeding corpses. The vandals in Kharim's army who become mercenaries have a relationship with Kharim's legion that is much the same as privateers have with the king. We tolerate their actions because they hurt our enemy. Besides, that sort of violence is the type that Kharim appreciates most. The color of blood is the same, whether you spill it on field of combat or in a back alley for a purse of gold.'

Enter your choice: 2

You ask 'Tell me about skirmishers?'

Instructor snarls 'Skirmishers are commonly used to drive enemy legions into disarray before the main combat begins. Vandals are a huge morale booster for newer legionaries. The chaos and casualties they cause while deteriorating the morale of their enemies makes it easier for the legionaries to sweep in and slaughter the opposition. Some flankers also act as skirmishers, counter-attacking the opposing skirmishers that the enemy has sent.'

Enter your choice: 3

You ask 'Tell me about cataphracts?'

Instructor snarls 'A Cataphract is an elite, heavily armored version of the hussar. They are a fearsome presence on the battlefield, wielding massive weapons and riding ancient chaos drakes or deadly chimeras that have been fitted with heavy plate barding. The Cataphract is most commonly used as an assault force, tearing into enemy lines and destroying their formations.'

Enter your choice: 4

You roar 'Tell me about the flankers.'

Instructor snarls 'The main instruments of a flanker are his sword and his shield. Therefore flankers are trained in close combat and also learn to adapt to different kind of combat situations very well. Despite the protective nature of their training, flankers are extremely capable in melee. Flankers sometimes return back to legionary or perform skirmishing tasks. However, flanker training gives great experience on different kinds of shield techniques.'

1: Tell me about skirmishers?

2: Tell me about flanker legions?

3: Tell me about standard flankers?

4: That is enough for now.

Enter your choice: 1

You ask 'Tell me about skirmishers?'

Instructor snarls 'Skirmishers are commonly used to drive enemy legions into disarray before the main combat begins. Vandals are a huge morale booster for newer legionaries. The chaos and casualties they cause while deteriorating the morale of their enemies makes it easier for the legionaries to sweep in and slaughter the opposition. Some flankers also act as skirmishers, counter-attacking the opposing skirmishers that the enemy has sent.'

Enter your choice: 2

You ask 'Tell me about flanker legions?'

Instructor snarls 'Flanker legions are very uncommon, however there are times that an entire legion of flankers is formed. The most typical formation of a flanker legion is the turtle formation. Designed to protect the legion from enemy archers, the first row of legionaries set their shields forward to protect from direct shots. The flankers in the middle then hold their shields above their heads to deflect indirect overhead shots. The soldiers on the sides of the legion keep their shields facing out to protect from flank attacks. While vulnerable against enemy charges, the turtle formation is a very efficient way to get into close combat with enemy archers.'

Enter your choice: 3

You ask 'Tell me about standard flankers?'

Instructor snarls 'While tight formations have their benefits, they are vulnerable to enemy cavalry and skirmishers. As a result there are legionaries who walk on the flank, out of formation. This gives the tighter formations more time to regroup, as well as allowing the flankers an opportunity to pursue enemy skirmishers if given the chance.'

Enter your choice: 5

You roar 'Tell me about the warlords.'

Instructor snarls 'Warlords are the commanders of Kharim's Legions. They are skilled fighters who act as battlefield commanders and are often found fighting alongside their legionaries. Some warlords prefer to concern themselves with strategizing and warmongering. The most common warlords are the commander and the strategist.'

1: What do commanders do?

2: What is a strategists all about?

3: I don't need to know any more about this.

Enter your choice: 1

You ask 'What do commanders do?'

Instructor snarls 'Commanders are warlords that travel with their legion and act as a field commander for their legionaries. They are in charge of executing the strategies of their superiors and adjusting tactics to suit the needs of an ever changing battlefield.'

Enter your choice: 2

You ask 'What is a strategists all about?'

Instructor snarls 'Strategists usually do not travel with the legion. They are held in high regard and most often are found assisting warmonger with strategy. They decide the ways in which a war is waged and the overall strategies that will be used. While they may not be able to decide the outcome of the battle, an experienced strategist can weigh the odds and often call the victor of any battle.'

Enter your choice: 6

You roar 'Tell me about the dark templars.'

Instructor snarls 'While everyone is taught the basic concepts of chaos, a dark templar concentrates on finding a deeper meaning in the ideology of Kharim. Among dark templars there are many knights who do not actively participate in the wars of Kharim. However they do protect locations that are of importance to Kharim and are known to take up dark crusades on the religious targets of opposing religions.'

1: What do the servants of Kharim do?

2: What can you tell me about the dark crusaders of Kharim?

3: Huh? I don't need to know about this.

Enter your choice: 1

You ask 'What do the servants of Kharim do?'

Instructor snarls 'The Servants of Kharim are dark monks who dedicate their lives to serving Kharim. They act as the defenders of Kharim's most holy places and thus have chosen a different way to serve the Legion. Some dark templars choose to act as tutors for new apprentices or perform tasks that help other legionaries. Our guild is full of dark templars. Many of them offer vital services. Three in particular: Icane the exorcist, Elovar the chaos artificer, and Barc who serves as a recruiter to name a few.'

Enter your choice: 2

You ask 'What can you tell me about the dark crusaders of Kharim?'

Instructor snarls 'There are errant black knights who travel the country side, either for on a pilgrimage of evil, to sew chaos in Kharim's name, or for other religious purposes. These Dark crusaders usually journey alone, a sort of warrior-poet devoted to the Kharim's ideology.'

Enter your choice: 7

You roar 'Tell me about the warmonger.'

Instructor snarls 'There can only be one warmonger at a time and he acts as the commanding general of the mundane legions of Kharim. In theory, He is the chief authority for all of the legionaries in Kharim's legion. However, there is an exception to that rule; sects of dark templars do not receive orders from the warmonger, as they have religious duties to attend to. The warmonger is a position that cannot be gained by training, it is gained through experience as a warlord or a strategist. The warmonger makes the final decision on what targets to attack, where the lines of battle will be drawn, and where to position defenses.'

Enter your choice: 8

You roar 'Tell me about the archer legions.'

Instructor snarls 'Archers are not common in the Legion of Kharim. Legionaires are known to prefer close combat, but that does not mean they are prohibited using a bow. Those legionaries who carry a bow are often found in skirmisher units. In recorded history there are tales of archers in the Legion of Kharim that functionally provided backup fire for their brothers, but those few are very rare.'

Enter your choice: 2

You roar 'I'm interested in hearing about the hierarchy of Kharim.'

Instructor snarls 'The hierarchy level portrays how the followers of Kharim are viewed. For example, scouts, legionaries and elite troops are all viewed as equal by Kharim and only the warlords, members of the Black Order of Blood and the warmonger are esteemed higher. The drawn lines in the hierarchy structure portray the relation between the divided groups. All troops, with the exception of dark templars, receive their orders directly from their warlords, who are commanded by the warmonger. Dark templars receive their orders directly from servants of Kharim or from the Black Order of Blood, and may not take commands from warlords or the warmonger. Dark templars are also regarded to be above the mortal law, but may be punished by the Black Order of Blood. Inside the portrayed groups on hierarchy level 6, military ranks will decide superiority over each other. The other portrayed groups do not carry military ranks and superiority is gained by seniority. Hierarchy level 4 is the highest that a mortal may ever achieve. The followers of Kharim who belong to the Black Order of Blood also belong to either the legion or the dark templars. Therefore standard military duties apply to them unless they have been granted immunity by being a dark templar. This is probably too complex for your pea sized brain to comprehend, so I made a picture that might help you.'

Instructor shows you a picture.
+--------------------------=( Hierarchy structure )=---------------------------+
|                                                                              |
|       6                      Scouts                                          |
|                                |                                             |
|       6                   Legionaries                                        |
|                          /     |     \                                       |
|                         /      |      \                                      |
|       6             Flankers Vandals Dark templars                           |
|                        |      |          |        \                          |
|                        |      |          |         \                         |
|       5                Warlords          |    The Black Order of Blood       |
|                           |              |           \                       |
|                           |              |            \                      |
|       4               Warmonger          |             \                     |
|                           |              |              \                    |
|                           |              |               \                   |
|       3        Bloodserfs, the lesser daemons of Kharim   \                  |
|                                 |                          |                 |
|                                 |                          |                 |
|       2             Bloodletters, the greater daemons of Kharim              |
|                                 |                                            |
|                                 |                                            |
|       1             Overlord, Kharim the Thirsty, God of Blood               |
+---------------------=( Hierarchy level explanations )=-----------------------+
| 1. Overlord, Kharim the Thirsty, God of Blood                                |
| 2. Bloodletters, the Greater daemons of Kharim                               |
| 3. Bloodserfs, the lesser daemons of Kharim                                  |
| 4. Kharim's Chosen                                                           |
| 5. Kharim's Champions                                                        |
| 5. The Black Order of Blood                                                  |
| 6. The Legion of Kharim                                                      |

1: What are the bloodserfs?

2: What are the bloodletters?

3: Could you tell me about Overlord Kharim?

4: I see, very interesting, but I must go now.

Enter your choice: 1

You ask 'What are the bloodserfs?'

Instructor snarls 'The bloodserfs are lesser daemons of Kharim; each controls between one to six bloodhounds. They are daemonic beasts that resemble fierce war dogs.'

Enter your choice: 2

You ask 'What are the bloodletters?'

Instructor snarls 'Bloodletters are the greater daemons of Kharim and they each controls an army of bloodserfs with their respective bloodhounds. Some bloodletters serve as advisors for Overlord, Kharim the thirsty.'

Enter your choice: 3

You ask 'Could you tell me about Overlord Kharim?'

Instructor snarls 'Kharim the Thirsty, manifests himself as an impressive canine humanoid, standing some 30 feet tall on a pair of hoofs instead of canine paws. He wears a piece of plate armor which has been painted crimson, and wields two enormous great axes. He is covered in dark brown fur, and his canine jaws host a set of gruesome tusks. He has an impressive pair of dragon like wings sprouting out from his back.Kharim himself rarely manifests himself on the mundane plane, but his followers report having dreams of this majestic figure resting on a bronze throne which sits atop an ever growing pile of crania; offers from his countless champions.Kharim is a fierce deity and quick to anger. He strives for slaughter of the battlefields and the flow of blood. He despises weaklings that use magic to fight their battles. As such the followers of Kharim are strictly forbidden to use spells or sorcery in battle.Kharim is quick to form allegiances and equally quick to break them. Due to his erratic and arrogant nature, the other Gods of Chaos tend to avoid him. He is especially hostile towards Nergal, who favors slow decay to swift and bloody carnage.'

Enter your choice: 3

You ask 'What are the ranks in the Legion?'

Instructor asks 'Level ranks in legions of Kharim are meant to describe the highest rank that the person may achieve. These ranks are here to signify the training process. Ranks earned through training and are not comparable to real positions. Basically it means that maximum level Kharim follower (Centurion of Chaos) has completed training that allowed him to achieve the position of a centurion. Becoming a commander takes lot more time and real positions are gained through hard work and dedication. Is there a rank that interests you more than the others?'

1: Not right now, thank you.

2: Chaos Draftee, would you tell me about it?

3: Phalange of Fear, would you tell me about it?

4: Chaotic Sentry, would you tell me about it?

5: Chaos Hoplite, would you tell me about it?

6: Black Paladin of Despair, would you tell me about it?

7: Herald of Chaos, would you tell me about it?

8: Immune of Chaos, would you tell me about it?

9: Sesquiplicarius of Chaos, would you tell me about it?

10: Imaginifer of Chaos, would you tell me about it?

11: Horn blower of Kharim, would you tell me about it?

12: Vexillarius of Kharim, would you tell me about it?

13: Draconarius of Kharim, would you tell me about it?

14: Junior Officer, would you tell me about it?

15: Guard Commander, would you tell me about it?

16: Signifer of Kharim, would you tell me about it?

17: Decurion of Despair, would you tell me about it?

18: Duplicarius of Chaos, would you tell me about it?

19: Optio of Chaos, would you tell me about it?

20: Aquilifer of Kharim, would you tell me about it?

21: Centurion of Chaos, would you tell me about it?

Enter your choice: 2

You ask 'Chaos Draftee, would you tell me about it?'

Instructor snarls 'The chaos draftee is the rank that is given to all new recruits and is the first rank in the legion of Kharim.'

Enter your choice: 3

You ask 'Phalange of Fear, would you tell me about it?'

Instructor snarls 'Phalange of Fear is the second rank in the legion. While still quite inexperienced in combat, they may be assigned guard duties in the guild.'

Enter your choice: 4

You ask 'Chaotic Sentry, would you tell me about it?'

Instructor snarls 'Chaotic sentry is the third rank in the legion. Sentries usually do not have much combat experience, but are experienced enough that they may be placed where they can serve alone.'

Enter your choice: 5

You ask 'Chaos Hoplite, would you tell me about it?'

Instructor snarls 'Chaos Hoplite is the fourth rank in the legion. They have completed a decent amount of work in guard duties and have proven themselves capable in those tasks. While they still are assigned guard duties, they practice more in order to act as guards in more dangerous environments.'

Enter your choice: 6

You ask 'Black Paladin of Despair, would you tell me about it?'

Instructor snarls 'The Black Paladins of Despair take guard duties in military camps where the risk of getting killed is more likely.'

Enter your choice: 7

You ask 'Herald of Chaos, would you tell me about it?'

Instructor snarls 'The Heralds of Chaos are usually given the more important messenger jobs. It is very important that the messenger knows exactly what he should do and where he is supposed to go, because it is very crucial that the enemy is not able to capture the messenger and gain any vital information.'

Enter your choice: 8

You ask 'Immune of Chaos, would you tell me about it?'

Instructor snarls 'The Immunes of Chaos, like the name implies, are immune from other duties. Usually this privilege is given to dark templars or to those who have shown themselves worthy and capable and therefore earn their right to rest.'

Enter your choice: 9

You ask 'Sesquiplicarius of Chaos, would you tell me about it?'

Instructor snarls 'Sesquiplicarius of Chaos is a rank given to those legionaries who have shown that they are worthy of a better salary. They are paid one and a half times more than a standard legionary. They are usually seasoned veterans on the battlefield, but are not officers.'

Enter your choice: 10

You ask 'Imaginifer of Chaos, would you tell me about it?'

Instructor snarls 'Imaginifer of Kharim is a very important rank. An Imaginifer is a standard bearer who carries the image of Kharim on the battlefield to boost morale and to remind everyone for whom the war is waged. It is a big responsibility to assume this task.'

Enter your choice: 11

You ask 'Horn blower of Kharim, would you tell me about it?'

Instructor snarls 'The horn blower is also an important task. In the combat field it is very difficult to hear anyone, because combat tends to be very noisy. As a result the commands are given by signaling with a horn.'

Enter your choice: 12

You ask 'Vexillarius of Kharim, would you tell me about it?'

Instructor snarls 'The Vexillarius of Kharim carries the infantry standard of the cohort. The infantry standard is used so that the infantry cohort may be identified more easily by others from the distance.'

Enter your choice: 13

You ask 'Draconarius of Kharim, would you tell me about it?'

Instructor snarls 'The Draconarius of Kharim carries the cavalry standard of the cohort. The task of the draconarius is similar to the task of vexillarius, but the rank is used only by cavalry.'

Enter your choice: 14

You ask 'Junior Officer, would you tell me about it?'

Instructor snarls 'Junior officer is the first officer position. The most promising legionaries may be promoted to junior officers and get the first touch of being an officer. While junior officers do not have many tasks, they do have the possibility to plan training drills.'

Enter your choice: 15

You ask 'Guard Commander, would you tell me about it?'

Instructor snarls 'Guard Commanders have the important task of organizing guard patrols so that duties get done. The Guard commander is the superior officer in charge of all guard duties.'

Enter your choice: 16

You ask 'Signifer of Kharim, would you tell me about it?'

Instructor snarls 'Signifer of Kharim is a position that is given to an experienced standard bearer. The signifer carries the standard of the elite cohorts. Such elite cohorts include the ever rare flanker legions, or composed mostly of vandals. Signifers also function as the paymasters of the legion.'

Enter your choice: 17

You ask 'Decurion of Despair, would you tell me about it?'

Instructor snarls 'The Decurions of Despair are in charge of planning drills. Decurions also function as the superior officer in squads, which are comprised of ten legionaries The remaining legionaries of the squad may include lower ranking officers, such as signifers.'

Enter your choice: 18

You ask 'Duplicarius of Chaos, would you tell me about it?'

Instructor snarls 'Duplicarius of chaos is a rank that is given to those officers who have performed for long terms and have built a good reputation. The name of the rank is given due to the fact that they earn double the pay of a standard legionary.'

Enter your choice: 19

You ask 'Optio of Chaos, would you tell me about it?'

Instructor snarls 'Optio of Chaos is an assistant of to the centurion. He his tasks are similar to that of the centurion and commonly takes orders from centurions. Those who have been promoted to Optio are usually soon promoted to centurion as well. So you should consider the tasks of an Optio, as tasks of great importance.'

Enter your choice: 20

You ask 'Aquilifer of Kharim, would you tell me about it?'

Instructor snarls 'Aquilifers of Kharim are held in higher regard Optios of Chaos. An Aquilifer is a senior signifer who is given the great privilege of carrying the emblem of the Blood God.'

Enter your choice: 21

You ask 'Centurion of Chaos, would you tell me about it?'

Instructor snarls 'The Centurion of Chaos is the highest rank that may be achieved by most mortals. The warmonger and most warlords are centurions of chaos. Centurions usually lead a century, which is equal to 100 men, thus their given name. Those centurions who gain enough prestige may be to the positions of warlord, which leads an entire cohort. Such centurions take orders only from the warmonger.'

Enter your choice: 4

You roar 'Tell me about situational warfare.'

Instructor snarls 'Adaptation is a basic concept of situational warfare that is directly tied to the Legion of Kharim's shield combat style. The more adapted to a situation a legionarie becomes the better they are able to maintain the tempo of combat with a combat style called the manner of lordliness. There are three crucial factors to success in situational warfare: you must learn how to adapt, learn how to use your shield and train hard.'

1: How do I learn shield combat?

2: What do I have to know about adaptation?

3: How do I evaluate my shield attacks?

4: Where can I train?

5: I think I need to go now, but we can discuss this later.

Enter your choice: 1

You ask 'How do I learn shield combat?'

Instructor snarls 'The most important things that you will learn is that maintaining tempo and mastering the the battle style, Manner of Lordliness, is key to success with shield combat. Without those you're on thin ice. After you have mastered the Manner of Lordliness, you may attempt to learn more difficult techniques. You should go talk to some flankers, as they are the masters of shield combat. They will teach you everything there is to know about shields combat.'

Enter your choice: 2

You ask 'What do I have to know about adaptation?'

Instructor snarls 'When I speak of Adaptation, I mean that in every combat you should learn to observe your surroundings and your enemy. As a result you must take several factors into consideration and thus adapt to the situation. Questions you should ask yourself in any situation include: where can I escape, is there enough space to fight, are there any vital spots that the enemy has left unprotected and so on. One who is able to keep track of all these things and adapt quickly is likely to survive, and even triumph.'

Enter your choice: 3

You ask 'How do I evaluate my shield attacks?'

Instructor asks 'What attack you want to know about, maggot?'

1: Metal fist!

2: Blindsided assault!

3: Deflect blows!

4: I have no questions, sir!

Enter your choice: 1

You exclaim 'Metal fist!'

Instructor snarls 'You can use this list:'
- You push Monster with your shield, but it proves to be more of an annoyance than an actual hit.
- You hit Monster with your shield, but the punch is too light to hurt much.
- You slam Monster with your shield, causing small bruises.
- The punch from your offhand slightly surprises Monster, making him/her gasp for air.
- You punch your enemy vigorously with your shield making Monster grit teeth from the force of the blow.
- You knock Monster off-balance and steadily slam your shield against Monster inflicting smarting pain.
- You cut Monster very nastily with the rim of your shield. That must hurt!
- You whack steadfastly and the sharp edge of shield slices flesh off Monster's body.
- You become infuriated and concentrate all your strength and brutally hammer Monster's body. Monster wails as your shield creates a devastating injury.
- Your powerful shield bash causes a loud crack! Monster whimpers and staggers and is barely standing.
- You charge against Monster hitting him/her with the rim of shield. Blood spills as a vein opens and Monster looks extremely demoralized.
- You use your shield to score series of quick punches, when Monster has his/her guard down. The immense pounding makes Monster spin dizzily.
- You turn your shield sideways and shove it deep inside Monster's body. Monster vomits blood and coughs heavily.

Enter your choice: 2

You exclaim 'Blindsided assault!'

Instructor snarls 'You can use this list:'
- You hide your weapon behind your shield, but your lousy swing just scratches Monster.
- Your blinding act seems to have no effect, but you manage to thrust Monster causing a light mark.
- You blind your hand from view, but your blow is slow and Monster deflects it partially.
- You blind your hand from view very well, but your strike is inaccurate and Monster suffers only from a small wound.
- You blind Monster nicely and quickly whack him/her causing a small wound.
- Your hand nearly fades out of view, making Monster surprised as your weapon meets his/her skin creating a nasty lesion.
- You place your shield in front and cunningly strike below it. Monster grimaces nastily from the pain.
- You heave your shield hiding the tip of your weapon before performing a dreadful assault! Monster howls in agony as the sharp edge of weapon burrows into his/her flesh.
- You conceal your hand behind your shield and accurately crush Monster's resistance. Monster wails as your weapon creates a devastating injury.
- You use your shield to create a perfect blinder and brutally slash Monster. Simple and efficient!
- You conceal your sword-hand from Monster and mutilate Monster's body with immense strength. Monster shrieks as blood leaks out from the wound.
- You mask your weapon behind shield and astutely perforate Monster's upper body by thrusting over your shield. Monster staggers from the blow and seems dizzy.
- You mask your weapon by lifting shield in front. You ingeniously move your shield away just a second before your strike. Monster is caught his/her guard down and your weapon virtually penetrates through him/her, causing disgusting deformation and blood to spill out!

Enter your choice: 3

You exclaim 'Deflect blows!'

Instructor snarls 'You can use this list:'
- You barely deflect Monster's blow and counterattack, causing scratches.
- You barely deflect Monster's blow and feebly swing him/her, leaving a cut on his/her skin.
- You manage to deflect Monster's attack partially and quickly strike him/her causing a minor wound.
- You move your shield to deflect and perform a nice riposte against Monster.
- You deflect nicely and inflict a small wound with your counterattack.
- You hit aside Monster's attack and counterattack, landing a strong blow on your enemy.
- You make a good deflection and quickly strike against Monster, causing him/her to grimace.
- You knock away Monster's feeble blow and quickly place a well-aimed blow at - Your shield deflects Monster's strike in midair and he/she spits out blood as you strike at his/her unprotected body with hatred!
- Monster's blow is deflected aside, giving you time to hit. Monster wails in pain.
- You deflect Monster's blow very well and quickly assault Monster causing severe wounds.
- You see through Monster's maneuver and bash away his/her guard with your shield. Monster grits his/her teeth as your weapon perforates his/her exposed parts.
- You deflect Monster's attack with your shield and assault his/her torso with full force! Monster twitches in pain as blood pours out from a hole in his/her side.

Enter your choice: 4

You ask 'Where can I train?'

Instructor snarls 'If you haven't heard the story of the keys, then you haven't been devoted enough in your training. I'm not going to tell you the story, but the main thing you need to know is that Delekaia set his infernal device which destroys keys here in the hall and promised to let legionaries of Kharim train in his combat grounds. The goal is to feed as many keys as you can find to the machine. When someone completes the quest of keys, a keyholder, the person who has brought the greatest amount of keys, is named and he is given the key to the combat grounds. The device is meant to be used for the the empowerment of the entire legion. As a result everyone is equally encouraged to take part in the quest.'

1: Who is Delekaia?

2: Where is the device?

3: What is the story of keys?a

4: I think that's enough for now.

Enter your choice: 1

You ask 'Who is Delekaia?'

Instructor snarls 'Delekaia is one Overlord Kharim's bloodletters.'

Enter your choice: 2

You ask 'Where is the device?'

Instructor snarls 'You may find the infernal ticking device in the Hall of One Thousand Voices. It talks only if it is handled with fire.'

Enter your choice: 3

You ask 'What is the story of keys?'

Instructor snarls 'I do not have time to tell the story. I heard the poem about it a long time ago when I visited the Temple of Chaos. Maybe you will find someone who has time to explain the whole story to you there, but that person certainly isn't me.'

Enter your choice: 5

You roar 'Tell me about weapon techniques.'

Instructor asks 'Ah! You want to learn about weapon techniques? Well, who wouldn't, they are the most important things that you can learn. In order to triumph over your enemies, it is important to know which technique is best suited to a situation. What interests you the most?'

1: Tell me about scourge of dark steel.

2: Tell me about feigned remorse.

3: Tell me about deceitful act of mercy.

4: Tell me about foul play.

5: Tell me about vampiric blow.

6: I think I need to go now, but we can discuss this later.

Enter your choice: 1

You roar 'Tell me about scourge of dark steel.'

Instructor snarls 'When people think of the act of scourging, it often has something to do with a scourge, which is a type of whip. While it may also mean that, we legionaries speak about scourging and mean something entirely different. The scourge of dark steel originates from a lashing technique in which the flat of the blade is used to strike the enemy and cause immense pain, while it does not inflict visible damage. It is used as a technique for torture, and while it does not wound the opponent, it does strain their body. Even these light strikes bring down great enemies due to the pain alone. The scourging technique is an easy one to master, and that is why it is considered the main technique of Kharim's vandals.'

Enter your choice: 2

You roar 'Tell me about feigned remorse.'

Instructor snarls 'What do you think would happen when a person who follows moral code and one who doesn't end up dueling? The chivalrous one does not use their opportunity to kill, and believes in a sort of goodness in that they believe is in everyone. Such an act of naivety is ridiculous and if anyone ever offers you a chance to pick up your sword when you lose it, you of course would pick it up. If your enemy would lose his, then you will not return the favor, and you should take that opportunity to slay him as brutally as you can. This being said, use any possible means to achieve to your goal. If it means begging for your life when you are about to be slain, then do that, but do not surrender. Just wait for an opportune moment and strike. What is an opportune time then? You should not act hastily as you should be greatly injured as it gives your act credibility. Consider being in at least bad shape when you attempt it.'

Enter your choice: 3

You roar 'Tell me about deceitful act of mercy.'

Instructor snarls 'If your enemy is weak, it is very possible that you will end up killing him in combat anyway. However, against stronger enemies It is also possible that you may make your enemy fear you and when all odds are against them, they will often surrender. It is then that you should offer him that chance. Know though that when person is given a chance to surrender or has a chance to escape, he will not be entirely hopeless. If he is fighting for his life, he will fight until he wears out. As a result you should not show mercy, but instead you must take advantage of the fact that your opponent might believe that you might. Those who are deceived by these acts of mercy should be slain by a lethal thrust of your blade.'

Enter your choice: 4

You roar 'Tell me about foul play.'

Instructor snarls 'There isn't much to say about foul play. It basically means surviving with any cost. You do what is necessary to live and do what is necessary to kill. It is not a sophisticated combat style. Based on quick reactions and fast decisions. You must kick, punch, bite and tear your enemy's hair out if that is what it takes. You must always look around and keep aware of your surroundings, constantly ready to act. It's impossible to teach specific tricks. You just have learn when the situation comes to your way.'

Enter your choice: 5

You roar 'Tell me about vampiric blow.'

Instructor snarls 'This ancient chaos technique was used by the old lords of chaos. While it is an efficient technique, constantly feeding when you're already satiated is not entirely efficient. One must wait for hunger and feed when the hunger grows. This is the correct way to feed with this technique. Not at every opportunity, but instead you should wait until you absolutely cannot wait anymore. Using that mounting hunger is the best way to gain the greatest benefit from the vampiric blow technique.'

Enter your choice: 6

You roar 'Tell me about how swords are used in the Legion.'

Instructor asks 'While Kharim's legion teaches its legionaries to use both short blades or long blades, there is nothing that says you have to use either of them. If you are capable of wielding other weapons which benefit you greater, then use them. However, those are the weapon skills that the legion will teach you to use. Our ancestors also learned to master chaotic qualities and craft them into swords. The ability to enhance the power of these chaotic swords came through captured souls. While it used to be common to bind souls directly to blades, the times have changed. Nowadays it is more common to hire an exorcist to do all of this for you, because some of the legionaries sometimes wish to bind their souls to different purposes. Chaos blades are also controlled with manuscripts and not entirely by souls. I assume you have questions regarding this?'

1: How do I bind souls in my sword?

2: How do I craft a sword?

3: What are manuscripts?

4: It was very clear. I have no questions.

Enter your choice: 1

You ask 'How do I bind souls in my sword?'

Instructor snarls 'I recommend you go talk to Icane, he is the exorcist around here. I'm sure he knows more about it than I do and can probably help you. What you should remember is that no one will be able to find out the real qualities of a sword until you have gotten to know it better. So if you have a new chaos sword, it will take time before you find out everything about it. So it doesn't really matter if you bind souls to your sword until you have learned to use it without them. You wouldn't be able to value the blade anyway. But don't worry, you will eventually understand what I mean.'

Enter your choice: 2

You ask 'How do I craft a sword?'

Instructor snarls 'If you want to craft swords yourself, you need to become a blacksmith. As a legionnaire it is doubtful that you can even begin to do that, but you do not have to learn to craft swords here. Deria Falha, our resident blade smith can help you get your own chaos sword if you wish it to be so. His prices may be high, but they are definitely worth the work. Sometimes he is greedy and is known to work for the person who pays the most. All things considered, I guess that is acceptable as he is the only good smith around here. He knows everything about forming, heat treating, sharpening and finishing swords. Several other legionaries including myself know the concepts, but not many are able to do anything in practice. If you wish to talk about sword crafting or perhaps about basic sword evolution, I'm all ears.'

1: I would like to know about forming of the sword.

2: I would like to know about heat treatment.

3: I would like to know about sharpening.

4: I would like to know about the finishing touch of the sword.

5: I think that's not necessary.

Enter your choice: 1

You roar 'I would like to know about forming of the sword.'

Instructor snarls 'Deria will tell you, I'm sure, but I will tell you anyway. You will need to hire Deria to make your sword so be sure to ask him for a contract. You will then need to find a model sword, a good amount of refined material and anything that you wish to use for evolution. One thing I know is that you shouldn't use other swords for evolution effects. Also, about the model sword, do not use an expensive one as weapon type is the only thing that really matters and all the material, your model sword and all the items you provide for evolution are destroyed in the sword crafting process.'

Enter your choice: 2

You roar 'I would like to know about heat treatment.'

Instructor snarls 'I'm not quite sure how the heat treating is done, but I can tell you that when I was waiting for my sword, it took a very long time. It seems you can spend different amount of time on the heat treating but the more time you use, the better your sword will get. It is difficult to say how long it takes, but I would estimate that even the smaller swords would require at least twenty hours (real time), larger swords would naturally take even more than that. It is also very important that the quality of the material that you use is better than exceptional grade.'

Enter your choice: 3

You roar 'I would like to know about sharpening.'

Instructor snarls 'A sharpened sword has two roles. One role is to make it cut better and the other has something to do with balance. Either way, it is important that the sharpening process is done with care.'

Enter your choice: 4

You roar 'I would like to know about the finishing touch of the sword.'

Instructor snarls 'When the sword is finished, you will receive it from a bloodserf after it has undergone an evolution process. The evolution process is one that may effect the sword with special abilities. Such abilities are very rare, and although chaos artificers claim that there is something that can be done in order to gain the special abilities and not leave it up to chance. I think this is a theory that is difficult to prove, but I am not an expert on the subject.'

Enter your choice: 3

You ask 'What are manuscripts?'

Instructor snarls 'Manuscripts are used to control the qualities of a soul-controlled sword. A manuscript-less sword will always gain its power so that each quality will gain the exact same amount of power. Manuscripts with less qualities or greater variability are considered more valuable as they offer quicker ways to develop some qualities of a chaos sword quicker. That of course happens at the expense of another quality. You should go see Kitan if you want to know more. She copies the ancient variations of manuscripts.'

Enter your choice: 7

You roar 'I'm interested in hearing about the Hall of One Thousand Voices.'

Instructor snarls 'The Hall of One Thousand Voices is a place where countless souls are trapped. Some of them listen, some of them talk. There is a lot to learn about the voices and it will take time to understand the concept of them as a whole. Naturally I try to answer if you have anything you wish to know about the wailing voices, their services, chaos concepts or the maelstroms of chaos.'

1: What are wailing voices?

2: What services the souls provide?

3: Can you explain me about chaotic concepts?

4: What are the maelstroms of chaos?

5: Actually, I didn't have anything important right now.

Enter your choice: 1

You ask 'What are wailing voices?'

Instructor snarls 'The souls that you transfer to the Hall of One Thousand Voices are called wailing voices. While some of the souls are trapped in a soul blade, or imprisoned, wailing voices have slightly better fate. They may watch, talk, listen and even wander relatively freely. As a result they may still have an effect on the world, even if they are dead. Souls express their gratitude for this freedom by providing us with services, if only you know how to ask. Just speak aloud in the Hall, and see if they listen. You may also perform a ritualistic beheading if you wish to call souls to listen to you. Communication with wailing voices is different than it is with those who walk with the living. That's why you need to learn more about chaotic concepts.'

Enter your choice: 2

You ask 'What services the souls provide?'

Instructor snarls 'Souls offer us many services. Some of these services might prove more valuable than others. You should not request their services excessively, as you may find yourself enslaved as they are. Consider it always as a service. We do them a service, and they return the favor to us. Do not overuse their services.'

Enter your choice: 3

You ask 'Can you explain me about chaotic concepts?'

Instructor snarls 'You should search the world for people who can who can explain concepts of chaos. Chaotic concepts are not exactly common knowledge as not many know about them. Another difficulty is that they are extremely difficult to learn, much less be able understand the concepts deeply. It is said that those who truly understand chaos are able to communicate with the dead more effectively.'

Enter your choice: 4

You ask 'What are the maelstroms of chaos?'

Instructor snarls 'You might have seen electric portals appearing in the hall? Those vortices lead to places that you will have never seen. The portals usually appear when a group of souls concentrates enough energy into one place. This is usually a result of their desire to share something. Therefore when they appear you should approach the portals, you can rarely go wrong by listening to the souls. One may learn a lot from their wisdom. It may also deepen you overall knowledge about the concepts you possess and may make it easier to learn about chaos in general.'

Enter your choice: 8

You ask 'What is the Black Order of Blood all about?'

Instructor snarls 'The Black Order of Blood is a council of important legionaries that act as supervisors to dark templars. You might have seen the corridor behind Deria Falha's hut? That corridor leads to a place where the members of the order meet. Non-members are not allowed in, and the order doesn't accept new members anyway, so there is no need for you to bother your mind with this anyway..'