Here is where I'll post any scripts for Batclient that I make.

Pisano and Anks have written a Batclient FAQ and there is another that is on the BatWiki.

To install these scripts is pretty easy, as long as you are familiar with file navigation and manipulation in whichever OS you are using. Here are the directions for installing these in various environments.

Thats all there is to it. The next time you start batclient you should get a message along the lines of:
Booting scripts started:
  barb_counter ok!

Instead of having to exit Batclient and reconnect, after the script is saved to the scripts directory, you can just issue the following commands from the command-line in Batclient:

This will load and boot up your scripts again.

One thing that I've found useful with Batclient is to have your Batclient folder hosted on some cloud storage service, such as Dropbox and then just make a symbolic link that points to the storage service folder instead of a local folder. Briefly, here is how to do it using Windows 10:

This method should work perfectly well with any of the cloud based storage services out there, just modify the destinations based on what you use. Also be sure the file locations are referenced properly for your situation as well.

antiidle.bcs Script that sends specified command to the mud at a specified interval. By default the command is "look" and 10 minute interval. You can change the defaults by editing the script, see comments in the script for more guidance. Also you can change the action and time interval from the commandline. '$antiidle help' after the script is loaded for more info.
archer_analyze.bcs CDA report for archer shots to party report channel
ars.bcs A script to keep track of alch rings you make and store data into a sqlite3 database. For this script to work properly you will need to download a pre-compiled binary for your system type from here: and put the sqlite3 executable in your batclient scripts directory.
autocruise.bcs Updated 22 July, 2023. See comments for details. Will let you cruise directly to x/y coordinates. Also can set client-side waypoint markers. This script works best if you are using a ship that can fly over any terrain without issue. "autocruise help" once the script is loaded for more information.
autocruise.bcs This is a modified version, done by Magiscus. His version will let you prepend an optional continent, to automatically change continents before sailing to stored waypoint, and also append optional "sail" directions at the end of your cruise. Included with this is a sample autocruise.dat file with some waypoints already filled in.
barb_counter.bcs Barbarian rep meter counter. Shows number from rep meter AND shows how much barb rep is gained per kill. PLEASE read the comments in this file and change things where it asks you to change them. If you do not, this script will not work properly for you.
barb_lure.bcs Barbarian lure reporting script. Colorizing taken from Pisano's luring script from batwiki.
boba.bcs *** UPDATED 12 March 2020 to stop hang if you have no boons. *** Script to make more compact chart showing boons. Be sure to set the ScreenHeight variable to your current lines setting. Type 'lines' in game to check. Usage: $boba
cda.bcs Report script for Combat Damage Analysis skill
ctime.bcs Reports at 7 minutes that its been 7 minutes since last camp/sweet lullaby. Also has interactive version "ctime" that will show in HH:MM:SS format how long since last camping/lullaby.
dd.bcs Deaths door helper script. Actual command to perform dd can be changed within the script to whatever you wish. First aid, cardiac stimulation, throwing a potion, etc. Read the script comments for more info.
essence.bcs *** UPDATED November 2021 to fix skills/spells display change*** Essence Tracker script. This will track your blasts and give you an approximation on when you can see your next essence bump. Please note, the numbers will be less accurate until you have received an essence bump, due to the way the script calculates blasts. IMPORTANT: Please be sure to change the _Path variable in the script to reflect the correct location for YOUR batclient scripts. You will also need to "set pipe_commands off" for this script to work properly.
find.bcs 21 March, 2022. Updated to 0.6.2 to fix error when no chests in the room. Do you have too many chests? Do you have a hard time finding eq you have stored? Welcome, my friend, to the find.bcs script. This script will search your chests for a given string and let you know what chest number and label (if any) it is in. Click here to see sample output when searching for "ring of". One note. You must be the owner of the chests or not have locks on the chests for this script to work properly. It does nothing in regards to combos, just tries to 'open chest x'
habo.bcs *** UPDATED 17 January 2024: Added automatic detection of Batclient folder and also support for inline ANSI colors ***
Creates a chart to show statistics on Harm Body casts. Tracks total casts, failures, successes, burgle crits, habo essence message and habo youth message. Also has a feature to save your last session so you can make changes to eqset and see if it helps with any percentages. You can see a sample of the chart here
hcheck.bcs A script to parse house info and report how much has been donated as see through 'house news own' and report on any tax surplus or defecit. Can also be redirected to channels. Be sure to change the screenHeight variable near the top of the file to reflect your preferred lines setting.
liberator_ghosts.bcs UPDATED 18 March, 2022 to address speed issues. Lites output from 'liberator ghosts' to make it easier to see power levels and conditions.
litemin.bcs Allows you to set easy lites if you're looking for a specific word. Called it litemin because I originally used it to look for mineral deposits as a merchant, but its useful to set a quick alert for other stuff too. Default color is bright yellow, you can edit the trigger to change that to whatever you want though.
load_save_example.bcs Example script that shows how I implemented loading and saving of variables into external save files. For a working example look at habo.bcs
merchrep.bcs UPDATED 18 January, 2024 to address triggers staying enabled even if in incorrect room. A script to automate bowing to the statues to see how you compare to material leader and then to put information into chart form.
mnotebook.bcs A script to calculate how efficiently you are mining, based on data from the mining notebooks that are available from the hardware store.
| Material                    Amount in Kg           Actual Kg            |
| Jade                        1319                   1297.04       98.34% |
| Moss agate                  4                      1.2              30% |
| Total                       1323                   1298.24       98.13% |
monk.bcs *** UPDATED November 2021 to fix skills/spells display change*** Makes a nice chart for tracking the monk specialty skills. Just type: $monk.check once the script is loaded.
moonphase.bcs Displays moon phase based on date listed from the 'time' command. Special thanks to Kanis for moon phase data.
moonphase.bcs Alternate version that also gives approximate RL time until next full moon.
mp.bcs A script you can run that will check 'mobprot party' against a predefined list of monsters allowing you to easily see which mobs are potential targets that won't conflict with anybody's mobprot. This also has the feature of allowing you to load up alternate lists if you choose. These list files are a simple list of targets as shown in 'mobprot'.
There are a couple of things you will need to change in the mp.bcs script. You will need to change the setting for PATH, and LINES in the script. You will also need to have a file 'mobProtDefault.dat' in your scripts directory. You can click the filename here to see a very short sample list. As a sample alternate file 'mpAlt.dat' Please note, the alternate data files can be named whatever you wish as you specify the file to load. As you can see from the mpAlt.dat file you can have entries for things that don't have prot just to remind you that they are possible.
A quick rundown on usage. 'mp help' displays online help, 'mp' will run the script against the currently loaded list, 'mp load <file>' will load an alternate file, 'mp load default' will load the default list. I have set an alias to allow you to just use 'mp' rather than '$mp'. If you do not like thias alias, simply remove the line from the bootup() section that contains it. You may also have to /unalias mp.
pot_vit_track.bcs ***UPDATED 28 May, 2020 to show change on teaching skills/spells. Shows +/- change on potentia, vitae, and evolution points. Useful for Nergalism
pp_colorline.bcs Batclient script to alternate text color on every other line in 'party prots' output. You can see a sample of the output here. Further update to help stop false triggering and ability to dynamically turn the script on or off with "ppp on" or "ppp off". If you do not like the "ppp" alias for toggling simply change the alias line in bootup() to your preferred alias. Also change the ALITE or BLITE variables if you wish to change the colors of the rows. 21 May 2021: Fixed error in script where it was turning off after first use. Also defaults to 'on' from start
pills.bcs Shows numerical bonus of pill based on the description. You can see example output here.
pstats.bcs Shows +/- change in output from 'party stats', colorized. Be sure to change the 'MyNames' variable to your character names
refinery.bcs Shows percentage flask you can make using all of the essences you have of a particular type shown when you "inspect refinery". You can see example output here. It also lines up all the text properly when you inspect. Also shows percentages if you just look at canister.
riftwalker_counter.bcs Updated version of entity.bcs with some logic change and more color. Tallies up entity rep and shows change from start of session. BE SURE to change entity names at top of file to reflect your own entity names.
skillup_grabber.bcs *** UPDATED November 2021 to fix skills/spells display change*** Reports new percentile of skill that improves through use.
spellround.bcs Reports spell rounds left to specified channel (defaults to party report). Can toggle on, off, or brief (2 rounds or less)
spellround.bcs A slightly modified version of the same script, but this has a list of spells you can add to an array to never report. For example, if you add Cure light wounds to the array, then regardless whether or not you have reporting on or off, it will never report.
sr.bcs Variant of the above spellround script that will report only on command rather than every round. Just type: $sr to use
stunreporter.bcs If you have enough stunned maneuvers to see mob stunlevel, will report condition to party report channel. This script will only report when stunlevel changes so it won't spam every round. (or well, it shouldn't)
target_helper.bcs Sets special batclient variable selectedTarget so you can use the F1 key/click F1 in batclient to kill targetted creature. Also reports target to party report line.
vreport.bcs Adds extra info to the end of the line reported by the vortex analysis skill. Like so:
The vortex drains you of some of your energy.
Vortex: [######################..........] (22/32) 68%
H: 758 (758) [] S: 1109 (1129) [-20] E: 539 (539) [] C: 235 [] X: 2916 []
The vortex drains you of some of your energy.
Vortex: [#######################.........] (23/32) 71%
H: 758 (758) [] S: 1092 (1129) [-17] E: 539 (539) [] C: 235 [] X: 2916 []
The vortex drains you of some of your energy.
Vortex: [########################........] (24/32) 75%
H: 758 (758) [] S: 1074 (1129) [-18] E: 539 (539) [] C: 235 [] X: 2916 []
The vortex drains you of some of your energy.
Vortex: [#########################.......] (25/32) 78%
H: 758 (758) [] S: 1055 (1129) [-19] E: 539 (539) [] C: 235 [] X: 2916 []
The vortex drains you of some of your energy.
Vortex: [##########################......] (26/32) 81%

Here are scripts written by others that I think are neat and/or useful:

timers.bcs Reported as BETA software, also only currently handles degen timers. Written by Pisano.
balance.bcs Helpers for Alex sleeves 'balance'