You tell Rixx (monster) 'auction info'

-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= BATMUD 35TH BIRTHDAY SPECIAL AUCTION -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=

 Gadgeteer Rixx is selling his fabulous items!  Items are sold with three
 different currencies, taskpoints, gold or experience points.  The items are
 divided into groups.  You can only place a bid on one item per group at a time.
 However, you can bid on an item in each of the groups.

 The auctions will have two phases.  During phase 1, bids will be open for about
 a week.  At the end of that time, phase 2 starts.  At the start of phase 2,
 Rixx will announce the end time of the auction.  During phase 2, each new bid
 extends the closing date of the auction by 24h from the time of the latest bid.
 If there are no bids past that time, the auction closes and the item is sold.
 Each new bid during the phase 2 increase the minimum raise required.

 You do not need to have the full amount of currency when you bid for an item,
 but you must have it when the auction closes.

 You are NOT to interfere in ANY way how other players bid. Threatning, pkilling,
 tigermissioning or any other form or pressure is forbidden.

 In short:

 * Only primary characters may bid
 * If group has restrictions. From main and secondary characters the one
   which has the most exp/rebirths is used to check whether you may bid.
 * Items are sold with either taskpoints, gold or experience points.
 * Only safe experience can be used as currency. If you win exp item in auction,
   you are given free instant reinc and the cost is then reduced from your safe
 * All bids are binding.  So place them with care.
 * You can only win single item inside a particular group.
 * All the items are only usable by the buyer (secondary included).  Claiming
   scrolls will not be able to change this.
 * Before bidding, make sure you have the gold/tp/exp required if you happen to
   win the item.
 * After winning an item with xp, you will be given time to prepare (chest your
   gear, drink a reinc elixir, use your phylactery, stash your continent quest
   certs, etc) at which point you are provided an no xp loss, free guild
   level reinc.
 * After winning an item with tps, your boons are reseted for free to claim the
   tps owed to Rixx if you do not have sufficient tps unspent. Taskpoints can be
   claimed from both main and secondary character.
 * After winning an item with gold, you will have sufficient time to deposit
   all your high coins and transfer the gold via bank.
 * Zin will handle all the transactions related to the auction.

 Auction commands:

  [Help information]
    'tell rixx auction info'           : General info
    'tell rixx membership'             : Information about how special reincarnations work
    'tell rixx acquire'                : Information how to acquire item you bought

  [Auction status & goods]
    'tell rixx auction reincs'         : All special reincarnation memberships being auctioned
    'tell rixx auction status'         : Status of ongoing auction
    'tell rixx auction short'          : Short status of ongoing auction
    'tell rixx auction brief'          : Only shows status of auctions that have started
    'tell rixx auction winners'        : Winners of closed auctions
    'tell rixx auction history [item]' : Bidding history of all or spesific item

    'tell rixx auction bid [amount] [tp/exp/gold] on [item]'

  [Acquiring item]
    'tell rixx acquire item [item]'       : To try to acquire the item you bought.
    'tell rixx acquire reincmenow [item]' : If you bought your item with exp. You can
                                            get free reincarnation to release your exp.


You tell Rixx (monster) 'membership'

-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= BATMUD 35TH BIRTHDAY SPECIAL REINCARNATIONS -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=

  In the realm of BatMUD, there are many guild masters, split into different
  backgrounds, and they generally shun members of other backgrounds.  However,
  in a new shift in thinking, several guild leaders have gotten together and
  agreed to allow members of opposing backgrounds to join their guilds and train them.

  Several membership cards have been made and signed by the guild leaders.
  Those who possess these membership cards, once completing one of the two
  guilds indicated on the card, will be able to present their 'invitation' card
  to the other guild, and join it, with (barely) no questions asked.

  How this works.. with examples!

    + Only one membership card can be used per reinc.  This means if you
      type 'invitation' with a membership card in your inventory, that's the one
      you've activated.
    + You must have FULL levels in one of the two guilds before activating
      the membership.
    + It doesn't matter which of the two guilds you join first.
    + Being part of a guild doesn't mean you can cast spells if you have the
      wrong alignment.
    + Being part of a guild doesn't mean you can train skills if you are the
      wrong gender.
    + The membership card lets you join the guild, it does not bypass guild
       Ex. If beastmasters want you to provide a tamed mount to join, you still
           need to do that. If bards need you to say yes 20x, you still need to
           do that. For nuns you need invitation ...
   + Yes, this bypasses the requirement for pre-guilds like squire and disciple.
   + WARNING: This bypasses the joining requirements.  If you are required to be
     a certain gender, race, or alignment to do something within the guild,
     that is NOT BYPASSED.
      Ex.  You join druids as good alignment.  You join Reavers bypassing all the
           requirements (alignment) with your membership. You are not able to use
           any reaver spells/skills because your alignment is good.
      Ex.  You join spider as an evil aligned lich.  You try to join nuns
           but can't since you lack the needed quest to join as undead. Also, even
           if you were able to join, you could not use any spells if you are evil.

   Example membership 'Membership card for Druid and Nergal'
   You reincarnate and choose good religious as your background
   You take full levels in druid
   You walk to nergal joining room under grimoor.
   You type join.  You see that you do not meet the requirements
   You have your membership card in your inventory, you type 'invitation'
   You card glows.  You are invited.  You can now type 'join' (if you are in the join room).
   You are now a member of nergals, and can train as normal
   Note that since you joined druids first, you can skip disciples required by nergal


You tell Rixx (monster) 'acquire'

[Acquiring item bought with EXP]
  You must first complete exp/money free reincarnation by asking it from Rixx
  'tell rixx acquire reinc <item>'. After you exit back to church you can
  acquire your item from rixx 'tell rixx acquire item <item>'. The exp will
  be reduced from your safe experience.

[Acquiring item bought with Gold]
  You must first deposit the required amount of gold into your bankaccount and
  then you can acquire your item from rixx 'tell rixx acquire item '. The
  gold will be taken from your bankaccount.

[Acquiring item bought with TP]
  You must have the needed amount of taskpoints either free or tied to your boons.
  Then you can acquire your item from rixx 'tell rixx acquire item '. First
  all your boons are cleared after which the taskpoints are reduced.

  tell rixx acquire item <item>       : To try to acquire the item you bought.
  tell rixx acquire reincmenow <item> : To get free reinc if you bought item with exp.

If you have problems acquiring your item with above instructions, contact Zin.


You tell Rixx (monster) 'auction reincs'

-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= BATMUD 35TH AUCTION REINCS -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=

  [** Group I **]

    I@bard@nun : 'an honourary membership to 'Bard' and 'Nun'' (Currency: Taskpoints)

      * Unlimited special reincarnation to The Bards' guild and Sisters of Las
      * Ability to join the one guild, once you have maxed the other
      * tell 'rixx membership' for detailed info
      * Usable by buyer main/secondary

    I@psi@spider : 'an honourary membership to 'Psionicist' and 'Spider'' (Currency: Experience)

      * Unlimited special reincarnation to The Psionicists and The Blades of the Spider Queen
      * Ability to join the one guild, once you have maxed the other
      * tell 'rixx membership' for detailed info
      * Usable by buyer main/secondary

    I@druids@rune : 'an honourary membership to 'Druids' and 'Runemages'' (Currency: Experience)

      * Unlimited special reincarnation to The Humble Druids and The Faculte of Runemagi
      * Ability to join the one guild, once you have maxed the other
      * tell 'rixx membership' for detailed info
      * Usable by buyer main/secondary

    I@chan@nergal : 'an honourary membership to 'Channellers' and 'Nergal'' (Currency: Taskpoints)

      * Unlimited special reincarnation to The Guild of Channellers and Bearers of the True Rot
      * Ability to join the one guild, once you have maxed the other
      * tell 'rixx membership' for detailed info
      * Usable by buyer main/secondary

    I@folk@magecold : 'an honourary membership to 'Folklorist' and 'Mage Cold'' (Currency: Taskpoints)

      * Unlimited special reincarnation to The School of Folklorists and Assembly of the Blizzard
      * Ability to join the one guild, once you have maxed the other
      * tell 'rixx membership' for detailed info
      * Usable by buyer main/secondary

    I@kharim@spider : 'an honourary membership to 'Kharim' and 'Spider'' (Currency: Experience)

      * Unlimited special reincarnation to Legions of the Blood God and The Blades of the Spider Queen
      * Ability to join the one guild, once you have maxed the other
      * tell 'rixx membership' for detailed info
      * Usable by buyer main/secondary

                         -- ^o^ --

  [** Group II **]

    II@libe@nun : 'an honourary membership to 'Liberator' and 'Nun'' (Currency: Taskpoints)

      * Unlimited special reincarnation to The Order of Ghost Liberator Paladins and Sisters of Las
      * Ability to join the one guild, once you have maxed the other
      * tell 'rixx membership' for detailed info
      * Usable by buyer main/secondary

    II@bard@tiger : 'an honourary membership to 'Bard' and 'Tiger'' (Currency: Taskpoints)

      * Unlimited special reincarnation to The Bards' guild and The Brotherhood of the Black Tiger
      * Ability to join the one guild, once you have maxed the other
      * tell 'rixx membership' for detailed info
      * Usable by buyer main/secondary

    II@chan@reaver : 'an honourary membership to 'Channellers' and 'Reaver'' (Currency: Taskpoints)

      * Unlimited special reincarnation to The Guild of Channellers and The Cult of Reavers
      * Ability to join the one guild, once you have maxed the other
      * tell 'rixx membership' for detailed info
      * Usable by buyer main/secondary

                         -- ^o^ --

  [** Group III **]

    III@nun@sabres : 'an honourary membership to 'Nun' and 'Sabres'' (Currency: Experience)

      * Unlimited special reincarnation to Sisters of Las and The Order of the Shadow Sabres
      * Ability to join the one guild, once you have maxed the other
      * tell 'rixx membership' for detailed info
      * Usable by buyer main/secondary

    III@aelena@chan : 'an honourary membership to 'Aelena' and 'Channellers'' (Currency: Experience)

      * Unlimited special reincarnation to Followers of the Scorpion and The Guild of Channellers
      * Ability to join the one guild, once you have maxed the other
      * tell 'rixx membership' for detailed info
      * Usable by buyer main/secondary

    III@bard@reaver : 'an honourary membership to 'Bard' and 'Reaver'' (Currency: Experience)

      * Unlimited special reincarnation to The Bards' guild and The Cult of Reavers
      * Ability to join the one guild, once you have maxed the other
      * tell 'rixx membership' for detailed info
      * Usable by buyer main/secondary

                         -- ^o^ --

  [** Group IV **]

    IV@psi@rune : 'an honourary membership to 'Psionicist' and 'Runemages'' (Currency: Taskpoints)

      * Unlimited special reincarnation to The Psionicists and The Faculte of Runemagi
      * Ability to join the one guild, once you have maxed the other
      * tell 'rixx membership' for detailed info
      * Usable by buyer main/secondary

    IV@libe@rune : 'an honourary membership to 'Liberator' and 'Runemages'' (Currency: Taskpoints)

      * Unlimited special reincarnation to The Order of Ghost Liberator Paladins and The Faculte of Runemagi
      * Ability to join the one guild, once you have maxed the other
      * tell 'rixx membership' for detailed info
      * Usable by buyer main/secondary

    IV@chan@priest : 'an honourary membership to 'Channellers' and 'Priests'' (Currency: Taskpoints)

      * Unlimited special reincarnation to Triad of Darkness, The Monastic School of Draen-Dalar, The Polytheistic Seminary and The Guild of Channellers
      * Ability to join the one guild, once you have maxed the other
      * 'Triad', 'Curate' and 'Seminary' all need to be maxed to be able to join 'Channellers'
      * tell 'rixx membership' for detailed info
      * Usable by buyer main/secondary

                         -- ^o^ --

  [** Group V **]

    V@nun@rift : 'an honourary membership to 'Nun' and 'Riftwalker'' (Currency: Experience)

      * Unlimited special reincarnation to Sisters of Las and The Guild of Riftwalkers
      * Ability to join the one guild, once you have maxed the other
      * tell 'rixx membership' for detailed info
      * Usable by buyer main/secondary

    V@nergal@psi : 'an honourary membership to 'Nergal' and 'Psionicist'' (Currency: Experience)

      * Unlimited special reincarnation to Bearers of the True Rot and The Psionicists
      * Ability to join the one guild, once you have maxed the other
      * tell 'rixx membership' for detailed info
      * Usable by buyer main/secondary

    V@rift@templar : 'an honourary membership to 'Riftwalker' and 'Templar'' (Currency: Experience)

      * Unlimited special reincarnation to The Guild of Riftwalkers and The Templars of Faerwon
      * Ability to join the one guild, once you have maxed the other
      * tell 'rixx membership' for detailed info
      * Usable by buyer main/secondary

                         -- ^o^ --

  [** Group VI **]

    VI@bard@spider : 'an honourary membership to 'Bard' and 'Spider'' (Currency: Taskpoints)

      * Unlimited special reincarnation to The Bards' guild and The Blades of the Spider Queen
      * Ability to join the one guild, once you have maxed the other
      * tell 'rixx membership' for detailed info
      * Usable by buyer main/secondary

    VI@libe@magemana : 'an honourary membership to 'Liberator' and 'Mage Magical'' (Currency: Taskpoints)

      * Unlimited special reincarnation to The Order of Ghost Liberator Paladins and Summoners of Astral Power
      * Ability to join the one guild, once you have maxed the other
      * tell 'rixx membership' for detailed info
      * Usable by buyer main/secondary

    VI@animist@circle : 'an honourary membership to 'Animist' and 'Inner Circle'' (Currency: Taskpoints)

      * Unlimited special reincarnation to The Guild of Animists and Inner Circle of Sorcery
      * Ability to join the one guild, once you have maxed the other
      * tell 'rixx membership' for detailed info
      * Usable by buyer main/secondary

                         -- ^o^ --

  [** Group VII **]

    VII@druids@tiger : 'an honourary membership to 'Druids' and 'Tiger'' (Currency: Taskpoints)

      * Unlimited special reincarnation to The Humble Druids and The Brotherhood of the Black Tiger
      * Ability to join the one guild, once you have maxed the other
      * tell 'rixx membership' for detailed info
      * Usable by buyer main/secondary

    VII@circle@templar : 'an honourary membership to 'Inner Circle' and 'Templar'' (Currency: Taskpoints)

      * Unlimited special reincarnation to Inner Circle of Sorcery and The Templars of Faerwon
      * Ability to join the one guild, once you have maxed the other
      * tell 'rixx membership' for detailed info
      * Usable by buyer main/secondary

    VII@kharim@tzarakk : 'an honourary membership to 'Kharim' and 'Tzarakk'' (Currency: Taskpoints)

      * Unlimited special reincarnation to Legions of the Blood God and Slaves of the Beastmaster
      * Ability to join the one guild, once you have maxed the other
      * tell 'rixx membership' for detailed info
      * Usable by buyer main/secondary

                         -- ^o^ --

  [** Group VIII **]

    VIII@psi@tarma : 'an honourary membership to 'Psionicist' and 'Tarmalen'' (Currency: Taskpoints)

      * Unlimited special reincarnation to The Psionicists and The Followers of Tarmalen
      * Ability to join the one guild, once you have maxed the other
      * tell 'rixx membership' for detailed info
      * Usable by buyer main/secondary

    VIII@circle@nun : 'an honourary membership to 'Inner Circle' and 'Nun'' (Currency: Taskpoints)

      * Unlimited special reincarnation to Inner Circle of Sorcery and Sisters of Las
      * Ability to join the one guild, once you have maxed the other
      * tell 'rixx membership' for detailed info
      * Usable by buyer main/secondary

    VIII@folk@magepois : 'an honourary membership to 'Folklorist' and 'Mage Poison'' (Currency: Taskpoints)

      * Unlimited special reincarnation to The School of Folklorists and Venomous Convocation
      * Ability to join the one guild, once you have maxed the other
      * tell 'rixx membership' for detailed info
      * Usable by buyer main/secondary

                         -- ^o^ --

  [** Group IX **]

    IX@druids@psi : 'an honourary membership to 'Druids' and 'Psionicist'' (Currency: Experience)

      * Unlimited special reincarnation to The Humble Druids and The Psionicists
      * Ability to join the one guild, once you have maxed the other
      * tell 'rixx membership' for detailed info
      * Usable by buyer main/secondary

    IX@archers@rune : 'an honourary membership to 'Archers' and 'Runemages'' (Currency: Experience)

      * Unlimited special reincarnation to The Flight of Archers and The Faculte of Runemagi
      * Ability to join the one guild, once you have maxed the other
      * tell 'rixx membership' for detailed info
      * Usable by buyer main/secondary

    IX@animist@magepois : 'an honourary membership to 'Animist' and 'Mage Poison'' (Currency: Experience)

      * Unlimited special reincarnation to The Guild of Animists and Venomous Convocation
      * Ability to join the one guild, once you have maxed the other
      * tell 'rixx membership' for detailed info
      * Usable by buyer main/secondary

                         -- ^o^ --

  [** Group X **]

    X@chan@nun : 'an honourary membership to 'Channellers' and 'Nun'' (Currency: Taskpoints)

      * Unlimited special reincarnation to The Guild of Channellers and Sisters of Las
      * Ability to join the one guild, once you have maxed the other
      * tell 'rixx membership' for detailed info
      * Usable by buyer main/secondary

    X@chan@rune : 'an honourary membership to 'Channellers' and 'Runemages'' (Currency: Experience)

      * Unlimited special reincarnation to The Guild of Channellers and The Faculte of Runemagi
      * Ability to join the one guild, once you have maxed the other
      * tell 'rixx membership' for detailed info
      * Usable by buyer main/secondary

    X@beast@nun : 'an honourary membership to 'Beastmaster' and 'Nun'' (Currency: Taskpoints)

      * Unlimited special reincarnation to The Herd of Beastmasters and Sisters of Las
      * Ability to join the one guild, once you have maxed the other
      * tell 'rixx membership' for detailed info
      * Usable by buyer main/secondary

    X@folk@tiger : 'an honourary membership to 'Folklorist' and 'Tiger'' (Currency: Experience)

      * Unlimited special reincarnation to The School of Folklorists and The Brotherhood of the Black Tiger
      * Ability to join the one guild, once you have maxed the other
      * tell 'rixx membership' for detailed info
      * Usable by buyer main/secondary

    X@psi@reaver : 'an honourary membership to 'Psionicist' and 'Reaver'' (Currency: Gold)

      * Unlimited special reincarnation to The Psionicists and The Cult of Reavers
      * Ability to join the one guild, once you have maxed the other
      * tell 'rixx membership' for detailed info
      * Usable by buyer main/secondary

    X@chan@sabres : 'an honourary membership to 'Channellers' and 'Sabres'' (Currency: Taskpoints)

      * Unlimited special reincarnation to The Guild of Channellers and The Order of the Shadow Sabres
      * Ability to join the one guild, once you have maxed the other
      * tell 'rixx membership' for detailed info
      * Usable by buyer main/secondary

    X@psi@templar : 'an honourary membership to 'Psionicist' and 'Templar'' (Currency: Taskpoints)

      * Unlimited special reincarnation to The Psionicists and The Templars of Faerwon
      * Ability to join the one guild, once you have maxed the other
      * tell 'rixx membership' for detailed info
      * Usable by buyer main/secondary

    X@crimson@libe : 'an honourary membership to 'Crimson' and 'Liberator'' (Currency: Taskpoints)

      * Unlimited special reincarnation to The Crimson Brigade and The Order of Ghost Liberator Paladins
      * Ability to join the one guild, once you have maxed the other
      * tell 'rixx membership' for detailed info
      * Usable by buyer main/secondary

    X@archers@bard : 'an honourary membership to 'Archers' and 'Bard'' (Currency: Gold)

      * Unlimited special reincarnation to The Flight of Archers and The Bards' guild
      * Ability to join the one guild, once you have maxed the other
      * tell 'rixx membership' for detailed info
      * Usable by buyer main/secondary

    X@ranger@tarma : 'an honourary membership to 'Ranger' and 'Tarmalen'' (Currency: Taskpoints)

      * Unlimited special reincarnation to Rangers and The Followers of Tarmalen
      * Ability to join the one guild, once you have maxed the other
      * tell 'rixx membership' for detailed info
      * Usable by buyer main/secondary

    X@civmage@rift : 'an honourary membership to 'Civmage' and 'Riftwalker'' (Currency: Experience)

      * Unlimited special reincarnation to The Fellowship of Wizardry and The Guild of Riftwalkers
      * Ability to join the one guild, once you have maxed the other
      * tell 'rixx membership' for detailed info
      * Usable by buyer main/secondary

    X@circle@spider : 'an honourary membership to 'Inner Circle' and 'Spider'' (Currency: Taskpoints)

      * Unlimited special reincarnation to Inner Circle of Sorcery and The Blades of the Spider Queen
      * Ability to join the one guild, once you have maxed the other
      * tell 'rixx membership' for detailed info
      * Usable by buyer main/secondary

    X@cavalier@chan : 'an honourary membership to 'Cavalier' and 'Channellers'' (Currency: Gold)

      * Unlimited special reincarnation to The Division of Cavaliers and The Guild of Channellers
      * Ability to join the one guild, once you have maxed the other
      * tell 'rixx membership' for detailed info
      * Usable by buyer main/secondary

    X@folk@mageelec : 'an honourary membership to 'Folklorist' and 'Mage Electricity'' (Currency: Taskpoints)

      * Unlimited special reincarnation to The School of Folklorists and Wielders of Lightning
      * Ability to join the one guild, once you have maxed the other
      * tell 'rixx membership' for detailed info
      * Usable by buyer main/secondary

    X@archers@nergal : 'an honourary membership to 'Archers' and 'Nergal'' (Currency: Experience)

      * Unlimited special reincarnation to The Flight of Archers and Bearers of the True Rot
      * Ability to join the one guild, once you have maxed the other
      * tell 'rixx membership' for detailed info
      * Usable by buyer main/secondary

    X@magemana@tarma : 'an honourary membership to 'Mage Magical' and 'Tarmalen'' (Currency: Taskpoints)

      * Unlimited special reincarnation to Summoners of Astral Power and The Followers of Tarmalen
      * Ability to join the one guild, once you have maxed the other
      * tell 'rixx membership' for detailed info
      * Usable by buyer main/secondary

    X@aelena@tzarakk : 'an honourary membership to 'Aelena' and 'Tzarakk'' (Currency: Taskpoints)

      * Unlimited special reincarnation to Followers of the Scorpion and Slaves of the Beastmaster
      * Ability to join the one guild, once you have maxed the other
      * tell 'rixx membership' for detailed info
      * Usable by buyer main/secondary

    X@magepois@priest : 'an honourary membership to 'Mage Poison' and 'Priests'' (Currency: Taskpoints)

      * Unlimited special reincarnation to Triad of Darkness, The Monastic School of Draen-Dalar, The Polytheistic Seminary and Venomous Convocation
      * Ability to join the one guild, once you have maxed the other
      * 'Triad', 'Curate' and 'Seminary' all need to be maxed to be able to join 'Mage Poison'
      * tell 'rixx membership' for detailed info
      * Usable by buyer main/secondary

    X@aelena@mageaspx : 'an honourary membership to 'Aelena' and 'Mage Asphyxiation'' (Currency: Experience)

      * Unlimited special reincarnation to Followers of the Scorpion and Devourers of Air
      * Ability to join the one guild, once you have maxed the other
      * tell 'rixx membership' for detailed info
      * Usable by buyer main/secondary

    X@magefire@templar : 'an honourary membership to 'Mage Fire' and 'Templar'' (Currency: Gold)

      * Unlimited special reincarnation to Brethren of the Flaming Sigil and The Templars of Faerwon
      * Ability to join the one guild, once you have maxed the other
      * tell 'rixx membership' for detailed info
      * Usable by buyer main/secondary

                         -- ^o^ --

  [** Group XI **]

    XI@chan@libe : 'an honourary membership to 'Channellers' and 'Liberator'' (Currency: Taskpoints)

      * Unlimited special reincarnation to The Guild of Channellers and The Order of Ghost Liberator Paladins
      * Ability to join the one guild, once you have maxed the other
      * tell 'rixx membership' for detailed info
      * Usable by buyer main/secondary

    XI@rune@spider : 'an honourary membership to 'Runemages' and 'Spider'' (Currency: Taskpoints)

      * Unlimited special reincarnation to The Faculte of Runemagi and The Blades of the Spider Queen
      * Ability to join the one guild, once you have maxed the other
      * tell 'rixx membership' for detailed info
      * Usable by buyer main/secondary

    XI@aelena@circle : 'an honourary membership to 'Aelena' and 'Inner Circle'' (Currency: Taskpoints)

      * Unlimited special reincarnation to Followers of the Scorpion and Inner Circle of Sorcery
      * Ability to join the one guild, once you have maxed the other
      * tell 'rixx membership' for detailed info
      * Usable by buyer main/secondary

                         -- ^o^ --

  [** Group XX **]

    XX@nun@psi : 'an honourary membership to 'Nun' and 'Psionicist'' (Currency: Taskpoints)

      * Unlimited special reincarnation to Sisters of Las and The Psionicists
      * Ability to join the one guild, once you have maxed the other
      * tell 'rixx membership' for detailed info
      * Usable by buyer main/secondary

    XX@folk@rift : 'an honourary membership to 'Folklorist' and 'Riftwalker'' (Currency: Taskpoints)

      * Unlimited special reincarnation to The School of Folklorists and The Guild of Riftwalkers
      * Ability to join the one guild, once you have maxed the other
      * tell 'rixx membership' for detailed info
      * Usable by buyer main/secondary

    XX@barb@rune : 'an honourary membership to 'Barbarian' and 'Runemages'' (Currency: Taskpoints)

      * Unlimited special reincarnation to Barbarian Guild and The Faculte of Runemagi
      * Ability to join the one guild, once you have maxed the other
      * tell 'rixx membership' for detailed info
      * Usable by buyer main/secondary

    XX@nun@ranger : 'an honourary membership to 'Nun' and 'Ranger'' (Currency: Taskpoints)

      * Unlimited special reincarnation to Sisters of Las and Rangers
      * Ability to join the one guild, once you have maxed the other
      * tell 'rixx membership' for detailed info
      * Usable by buyer main/secondary

    XX@civfig@psi : 'an honourary membership to 'Civilized Fighters' and 'Psionicist'' (Currency: Taskpoints)

      * Unlimited special reincarnation to The Civilized Fighters and The Psionicists
      * Ability to join the one guild, once you have maxed the other
      * tell 'rixx membership' for detailed info
      * Usable by buyer main/secondary

    XX@libe@sabres : 'an honourary membership to 'Liberator' and 'Sabres'' (Currency: Taskpoints)

      * Unlimited special reincarnation to The Order of Ghost Liberator Paladins and The Order of the Shadow Sabres
      * Ability to join the one guild, once you have maxed the other
      * tell 'rixx membership' for detailed info
      * Usable by buyer main/secondary

    XX@rune@spider : 'an honourary membership to 'Runemages' and 'Spider'' (Currency: Taskpoints)

      * Unlimited special reincarnation to The Faculte of Runemagi and The Blades of the Spider Queen
      * Ability to join the one guild, once you have maxed the other
      * tell 'rixx membership' for detailed info
      * Usable by buyer main/secondary

    XX@civfig@tarma : 'an honourary membership to 'Civilized Fighters' and 'Tarmalen'' (Currency: Taskpoints)

      * Unlimited special reincarnation to The Civilized Fighters and The Followers of Tarmalen
      * Ability to join the one guild, once you have maxed the other
      * tell 'rixx membership' for detailed info
      * Usable by buyer main/secondary

    XX@archers@libe : 'an honourary membership to 'Archers' and 'Liberator'' (Currency: Taskpoints)

      * Unlimited special reincarnation to The Flight of Archers and The Order of Ghost Liberator Paladins
      * Ability to join the one guild, once you have maxed the other
      * tell 'rixx membership' for detailed info
      * Usable by buyer main/secondary

    XX@barb@templar : 'an honourary membership to 'Barbarian' and 'Templar'' (Currency: Taskpoints)

      * Unlimited special reincarnation to Barbarian Guild and The Templars of Faerwon
      * Ability to join the one guild, once you have maxed the other
      * tell 'rixx membership' for detailed info
      * Usable by buyer main/secondary

    XX@archers@chan : 'an honourary membership to 'Archers' and 'Channellers'' (Currency: Taskpoints)

      * Unlimited special reincarnation to The Flight of Archers and The Guild of Channellers
      * Ability to join the one guild, once you have maxed the other
      * tell 'rixx membership' for detailed info
      * Usable by buyer main/secondary

    XX@civmage@libe : 'an honourary membership to 'Civmage' and 'Liberator'' (Currency: Taskpoints)

      * Unlimited special reincarnation to The Fellowship of Wizardry and The Order of Ghost Liberator Paladins
      * Ability to join the one guild, once you have maxed the other
      * tell 'rixx membership' for detailed info
      * Usable by buyer main/secondary

    XX@knight@spider : 'an honourary membership to 'Knight' and 'Spider'' (Currency: Taskpoints)

      * Unlimited special reincarnation to The Legion of Knights and The Blades of the Spider Queen
      * Ability to join the one guild, once you have maxed the other
      * tell 'rixx membership' for detailed info
      * Usable by buyer main/secondary

    XX@druids@knight : 'an honourary membership to 'Druids' and 'Knight'' (Currency: Taskpoints)

      * Unlimited special reincarnation to The Humble Druids and The Legion of Knights
      * Ability to join the one guild, once you have maxed the other
      * tell 'rixx membership' for detailed info
      * Usable by buyer main/secondary

    XX@civfig@nergal : 'an honourary membership to 'Civilized Fighters' and 'Nergal'' (Currency: Taskpoints)

      * Unlimited special reincarnation to The Civilized Fighters and Bearers of the True Rot
      * Ability to join the one guild, once you have maxed the other
      * tell 'rixx membership' for detailed info
      * Usable by buyer main/secondary

    XX@civmage@tarma : 'an honourary membership to 'Civmage' and 'Tarmalen'' (Currency: Taskpoints)

      * Unlimited special reincarnation to The Fellowship of Wizardry and The Followers of Tarmalen
      * Ability to join the one guild, once you have maxed the other
      * tell 'rixx membership' for detailed info
      * Usable by buyer main/secondary

    XX@circle@knight : 'an honourary membership to 'Inner Circle' and 'Knight'' (Currency: Taskpoints)

      * Unlimited special reincarnation to Inner Circle of Sorcery and The Legion of Knights
      * Ability to join the one guild, once you have maxed the other
      * tell 'rixx membership' for detailed info
      * Usable by buyer main/secondary

    XX@civmage@nergal : 'an honourary membership to 'Civmage' and 'Nergal'' (Currency: Taskpoints)

      * Unlimited special reincarnation to The Fellowship of Wizardry and Bearers of the True Rot
      * Ability to join the one guild, once you have maxed the other
      * tell 'rixx membership' for detailed info
      * Usable by buyer main/secondary

    XX@aelena@archers : 'an honourary membership to 'Aelena' and 'Archers'' (Currency: Taskpoints)

      * Unlimited special reincarnation to Followers of the Scorpion and The Flight of Archers
      * Ability to join the one guild, once you have maxed the other
      * tell 'rixx membership' for detailed info
      * Usable by buyer main/secondary

    XX@civmage@spider : 'an honourary membership to 'Civmage' and 'Spider'' (Currency: Taskpoints)

      * Unlimited special reincarnation to The Fellowship of Wizardry and The Blades of the Spider Queen
      * Ability to join the one guild, once you have maxed the other
      * tell 'rixx membership' for detailed info
      * Usable by buyer main/secondary

    XX@archers@civfig : 'an honourary membership to 'Archers' and 'Civilized Fighters'' (Currency: Taskpoints)

      * Unlimited special reincarnation to The Flight of Archers and The Civilized Fighters
      * Ability to join the one guild, once you have maxed the other
      * tell 'rixx membership' for detailed info
      * Usable by buyer main/secondary

    XX@animist@spider : 'an honourary membership to 'Animist' and 'Spider'' (Currency: Taskpoints)

      * Unlimited special reincarnation to The Guild of Animists and The Blades of the Spider Queen
      * Ability to join the one guild, once you have maxed the other
      * tell 'rixx membership' for detailed info
      * Usable by buyer main/secondary

    XX@animist@crimson : 'an honourary membership to 'Animist' and 'Crimson'' (Currency: Taskpoints)

      * Unlimited special reincarnation to The Guild of Animists and The Crimson Brigade
      * Ability to join the one guild, once you have maxed the other
      * tell 'rixx membership' for detailed info
      * Usable by buyer main/secondary

    XX@magepois@reaver : 'an honourary membership to 'Mage Poison' and 'Reaver'' (Currency: Taskpoints)

      * Unlimited special reincarnation to Venomous Convocation and The Cult of Reavers
      * Ability to join the one guild, once you have maxed the other
      * tell 'rixx membership' for detailed info
      * Usable by buyer main/secondary

    XX@crimson@templar : 'an honourary membership to 'Crimson' and 'Templar'' (Currency: Taskpoints)

      * Unlimited special reincarnation to The Crimson Brigade and The Templars of Faerwon
      * Ability to join the one guild, once you have maxed the other
      * tell 'rixx membership' for detailed info
      * Usable by buyer main/secondary

                         -- ^o^ --

  [** Group L **]

    L@aelena@priest : 'an honourary membership to 'Aelena' and 'Priests'' (Currency: Taskpoints)

      * Unlimited special reincarnation to Triad of Darkness, The Monastic School of Draen-Dalar, The Polytheistic Seminary and Followers of the Scorpion
      * Ability to join the one guild, once you have maxed the other
      * 'Triad', 'Curate' and 'Seminary' all need to be maxed to be able to join 'Aelena'
      * tell 'rixx membership' for detailed info
      * Usable by buyer main/secondary

                         -- ^o^ --

  [** Group LI **]

    LI@nergal@tiger : 'an honourary membership to 'Nergal' and 'Tiger'' (Currency: Experience)

      * Unlimited special reincarnation to Bearers of the True Rot and The Brotherhood of the Black Tiger
      * Ability to join the one guild, once you have maxed the other
      * tell 'rixx membership' for detailed info
      * Usable by buyer main/secondary

                         -- ^o^ --

  [** Group LII **]

    LII@bard@druids : 'an honourary membership to 'Bard' and 'Druids'' (Currency: Taskpoints)

      * Unlimited special reincarnation to The Bards' guild and The Humble Druids
      * Ability to join the one guild, once you have maxed the other
      * tell 'rixx membership' for detailed info
      * Usable by buyer main/secondary

                         -- ^o^ --

  [** Group LIII **]

    LIII@nergal@spider : 'an honourary membership to 'Nergal' and 'Spider'' (Currency: Taskpoints)

      * Unlimited special reincarnation to Bearers of the True Rot and The Blades of the Spider Queen
      * Ability to join the one guild, once you have maxed the other
      * tell 'rixx membership' for detailed info
      * Usable by buyer main/secondary

                         -- ^o^ --

  [** Group LIV **]

    LIV@druids@priest : 'an honourary membership to 'Druids' and 'Priests'' (Currency: Experience)

      * Unlimited special reincarnation to Triad of Darkness, The Monastic School of Draen-Dalar, The Polytheistic Seminary and The Humble Druids
      * Ability to join the one guild, once you have maxed the other
      * 'Triad', 'Curate' and 'Seminary' all need to be maxed to be able to join 'Druids'
      * tell 'rixx membership' for detailed info
      * Usable by buyer main/secondary

                         -- ^o^ --

  [** Group C **]

    C@chan@folk : 'an honourary membership to 'Channellers' and 'Folklorist'' (Currency: Taskpoints)

      * Unlimited special reincarnation to The Guild of Channellers and The School of Folklorists
      * Ability to join the one guild, once you have maxed the other
      * tell 'rixx membership' for detailed info
      * Usable by buyer main/secondary

    C@circle@tarma : 'an honourary membership to 'Inner Circle' and 'Tarmalen'' (Currency: Taskpoints)

      * Unlimited special reincarnation to Inner Circle of Sorcery and The Followers of Tarmalen
      * Ability to join the one guild, once you have maxed the other
      * tell 'rixx membership' for detailed info
      * Usable by buyer main/secondary

    C@aelena@tiger : 'an honourary membership to 'Aelena' and 'Tiger'' (Currency: Taskpoints)

      * Unlimited special reincarnation to Followers of the Scorpion and The Brotherhood of the Black Tiger
      * Ability to join the one guild, once you have maxed the other
      * tell 'rixx membership' for detailed info
      * Usable by buyer main/secondary

    C@beast@tzarakk : 'an honourary membership to 'Beastmaster' and 'Tzarakk'' (Currency: Taskpoints)

      * Unlimited special reincarnation to The Herd of Beastmasters and Slaves of the Beastmaster
      * Ability to join the one guild, once you have maxed the other
      * tell 'rixx membership' for detailed info
      * Usable by buyer main/secondary

    C@magecold@rune : 'an honourary membership to 'Mage Cold' and 'Runemages'' (Currency: Taskpoints)

      * Unlimited special reincarnation to Assembly of the Blizzard and The Faculte of Runemagi
      * Ability to join the one guild, once you have maxed the other
      * tell 'rixx membership' for detailed info
      * Usable by buyer main/secondary

    C@druids@reaver : 'an honourary membership to 'Druids' and 'Reaver'' (Currency: Taskpoints)

      * Unlimited special reincarnation to The Humble Druids and The Cult of Reavers
      * Ability to join the one guild, once you have maxed the other
      * tell 'rixx membership' for detailed info
      * Usable by buyer main/secondary

                         -- ^o^ --


PLEASE NOTE: This status section will not be updated. It is here for display purposes only.
ALSO NOTE: 'auction status' and 'auction short' show the exact same info.
COOL STUFF: Glaurung has this cool page that updates every 5 minutes for auction bids.

You tell Rixx (monster) 'auction status'

-^o^--------^o^------------[ Winning Bids ]---------^o^----------^o^--

  [Group I (Auction is active! Final auction phase begins in 12d, 18h, 24min and 1s)]

     I@bard@nun           [tp] : Omnos has bid 100 Taskpoints for 'an honourary membership to 'Bard' and 'Nun'' [Min raise: 5]
     I@psi@spider         [xp] : Farliss has bid 66600000 Experience for 'an honourary membership to 'Psionicist' and 'Spider'' [Min raise: 100000]
     I@druids@rune        [xp] : Fuser has bid 50000000 Experience for 'an honourary membership to 'Druids' and 'Runemages'' [Min raise: 100000]
     I@chan@nergal        [tp] : Deathseeker has bid 6000 Taskpoints for 'an honourary membership to 'Channellers' and 'Nergal'' [Min raise: 5]
     I@folk@magecold      [tp] : Blayke has bid 150 Taskpoints for 'an honourary membership to 'Folklorist' and 'Mage Cold'' [Min raise: 5]
     I@kharim@spider      [xp] : Glaurung has bid 100000000 Experience for 'an honourary membership to 'Kharim' and 'Spider'' [Min raise: 100000]

                                -- ^o^ --

  [Group II (Auction starts in 9d, 14h, 24min and 1s)]

     II@libe@nun          [tp] : There have been no bids made on 'an honourary membership to 'Liberator' and 'Nun''
     II@bard@tiger        [tp] : There have been no bids made on 'an honourary membership to 'Bard' and 'Tiger''
     II@chan@reaver       [tp] : There have been no bids made on 'an honourary membership to 'Channellers' and 'Reaver''

                                -- ^o^ --

  [Group III (Auction starts in 18d, 2h, 24min and 1s)]

     III@nun@sabres       [xp] : There have been no bids made on 'an honourary membership to 'Nun' and 'Sabres''
     III@aelena@chan      [xp] : There have been no bids made on 'an honourary membership to 'Aelena' and 'Channellers''
     III@bard@reaver      [xp] : There have been no bids made on 'an honourary membership to 'Bard' and 'Reaver''

                                -- ^o^ --

  [Group IV (Auction starts in 22d, 19h, 24min and 1s)]

     IV@psi@rune          [tp] : There have been no bids made on 'an honourary membership to 'Psionicist' and 'Runemages''
     IV@libe@rune         [tp] : There have been no bids made on 'an honourary membership to 'Liberator' and 'Runemages''
     IV@chan@priest       [tp] : There have been no bids made on 'an honourary membership to 'Channellers' and 'Priests''

                                -- ^o^ --

  [Group V (Auction starts in 28d, 14h, 24min and 1s)]

     V@nun@rift           [xp] : There have been no bids made on 'an honourary membership to 'Nun' and 'Riftwalker''
     V@nergal@psi         [xp] : There have been no bids made on 'an honourary membership to 'Nergal' and 'Psionicist''
     V@rift@templar       [xp] : There have been no bids made on 'an honourary membership to 'Riftwalker' and 'Templar''

                                -- ^o^ --

  [Group VI (Auction starts in 32d, 21h, 24min and 1s)]

     VI@bard@spider       [tp] : There have been no bids made on 'an honourary membership to 'Bard' and 'Spider''
     VI@libe@magemana     [tp] : There have been no bids made on 'an honourary membership to 'Liberator' and 'Mage Magical''
     VI@animist@circle    [tp] : There have been no bids made on 'an honourary membership to 'Animist' and 'Inner Circle''

                                -- ^o^ --

  [Group VII (Auction starts in 38d, 11h, 24min and 1s)]

     VII@druids@tiger     [tp] : There have been no bids made on 'an honourary membership to 'Druids' and 'Tiger''
     VII@circle@templar   [tp] : There have been no bids made on 'an honourary membership to 'Inner Circle' and 'Templar''
     VII@kharim@tzarakk   [tp] : There have been no bids made on 'an honourary membership to 'Kharim' and 'Tzarakk''

                                -- ^o^ --

  [Group VIII (Auction starts in 43d, 9h, 24min and 1s)]

     VIII@psi@tarma       [tp] : There have been no bids made on 'an honourary membership to 'Psionicist' and 'Tarmalen''
     VIII@circle@nun      [tp] : There have been no bids made on 'an honourary membership to 'Inner Circle' and 'Nun''
     VIII@folk@magepois   [tp] : There have been no bids made on 'an honourary membership to 'Folklorist' and 'Mage Poison''

                                -- ^o^ --

  [Group IX (Auction starts in 47d, 21h, 24min and 1s)]

     IX@druids@psi        [xp] : There have been no bids made on 'an honourary membership to 'Druids' and 'Psionicist''
     IX@archers@rune      [xp] : There have been no bids made on 'an honourary membership to 'Archers' and 'Runemages''
     IX@animist@magepois  [xp] : There have been no bids made on 'an honourary membership to 'Animist' and 'Mage Poison''

                                -- ^o^ --

  [Group X (Auction starts in 15d, 24min and 1s)]

     X@chan@nun           [tp] : There have been no bids made on 'an honourary membership to 'Channellers' and 'Nun''
     X@chan@rune          [xp] : There have been no bids made on 'an honourary membership to 'Channellers' and 'Runemages''
     X@beast@nun          [tp] : There have been no bids made on 'an honourary membership to 'Beastmaster' and 'Nun''
     X@folk@tiger         [xp] : There have been no bids made on 'an honourary membership to 'Folklorist' and 'Tiger''
     X@psi@reaver         [gp] : There have been no bids made on 'an honourary membership to 'Psionicist' and 'Reaver''
     X@chan@sabres        [tp] : There have been no bids made on 'an honourary membership to 'Channellers' and 'Sabres''
     X@psi@templar        [tp] : There have been no bids made on 'an honourary membership to 'Psionicist' and 'Templar''
     X@crimson@libe       [tp] : There have been no bids made on 'an honourary membership to 'Crimson' and 'Liberator''
     X@archers@bard       [gp] : There have been no bids made on 'an honourary membership to 'Archers' and 'Bard''
     X@ranger@tarma       [tp] : There have been no bids made on 'an honourary membership to 'Ranger' and 'Tarmalen''
     X@civmage@rift       [xp] : There have been no bids made on 'an honourary membership to 'Civmage' and 'Riftwalker''
     X@circle@spider      [tp] : There have been no bids made on 'an honourary membership to 'Inner Circle' and 'Spider''
     X@cavalier@chan      [gp] : There have been no bids made on 'an honourary membership to 'Cavalier' and 'Channellers''
     X@folk@mageelec      [tp] : There have been no bids made on 'an honourary membership to 'Folklorist' and 'Mage Electricity''
     X@archers@nergal     [xp] : There have been no bids made on 'an honourary membership to 'Archers' and 'Nergal''
     X@magemana@tarma     [tp] : There have been no bids made on 'an honourary membership to 'Mage Magical' and 'Tarmalen''
     X@aelena@tzarakk     [tp] : There have been no bids made on 'an honourary membership to 'Aelena' and 'Tzarakk''
     X@magepois@priest    [tp] : There have been no bids made on 'an honourary membership to 'Mage Poison' and 'Priests''
     X@aelena@mageaspx    [xp] : There have been no bids made on 'an honourary membership to 'Aelena' and 'Mage Asphyxiation''
     X@magefire@templar   [gp] : There have been no bids made on 'an honourary membership to 'Mage Fire' and 'Templar''

                                -- ^o^ --

  [Group XI (Auction starts in 52d, 19h, 24min and 1s)]

     XI@chan@libe         [tp] : There have been no bids made on 'an honourary membership to 'Channellers' and 'Liberator''
     XI@rune@spider       [tp] : There have been no bids made on 'an honourary membership to 'Runemages' and 'Spider''
     XI@aelena@circle     [tp] : There have been no bids made on 'an honourary membership to 'Aelena' and 'Inner Circle''

                                -- ^o^ --

  [Group XX (Auction starts in 58d, 2h, 24min and 1s)]

     XX@nun@psi           [tp] : There have been no bids made on 'an honourary membership to 'Nun' and 'Psionicist''
     XX@folk@rift         [tp] : There have been no bids made on 'an honourary membership to 'Folklorist' and 'Riftwalker''
     XX@barb@rune         [tp] : There have been no bids made on 'an honourary membership to 'Barbarian' and 'Runemages''
     XX@nun@ranger        [tp] : There have been no bids made on 'an honourary membership to 'Nun' and 'Ranger''
     XX@civfig@psi        [tp] : There have been no bids made on 'an honourary membership to 'Civilized Fighters' and 'Psionicist''
     XX@libe@sabres       [tp] : There have been no bids made on 'an honourary membership to 'Liberator' and 'Sabres''
     XX@rune@spider       [tp] : There have been no bids made on 'an honourary membership to 'Runemages' and 'Spider''
     XX@civfig@tarma      [tp] : There have been no bids made on 'an honourary membership to 'Civilized Fighters' and 'Tarmalen''
     XX@archers@libe      [tp] : There have been no bids made on 'an honourary membership to 'Archers' and 'Liberator''
     XX@barb@templar      [tp] : There have been no bids made on 'an honourary membership to 'Barbarian' and 'Templar''
     XX@archers@chan      [tp] : There have been no bids made on 'an honourary membership to 'Archers' and 'Channellers''
     XX@civmage@libe      [tp] : There have been no bids made on 'an honourary membership to 'Civmage' and 'Liberator''
     XX@knight@spider     [tp] : There have been no bids made on 'an honourary membership to 'Knight' and 'Spider''
     XX@druids@knight     [tp] : There have been no bids made on 'an honourary membership to 'Druids' and 'Knight''
     XX@civfig@nergal     [tp] : There have been no bids made on 'an honourary membership to 'Civilized Fighters' and 'Nergal''
     XX@civmage@tarma     [tp] : There have been no bids made on 'an honourary membership to 'Civmage' and 'Tarmalen''
     XX@circle@knight     [tp] : There have been no bids made on 'an honourary membership to 'Inner Circle' and 'Knight''
     XX@civmage@nergal    [tp] : There have been no bids made on 'an honourary membership to 'Civmage' and 'Nergal''
     XX@aelena@archers    [tp] : There have been no bids made on 'an honourary membership to 'Aelena' and 'Archers''
     XX@civmage@spider    [tp] : There have been no bids made on 'an honourary membership to 'Civmage' and 'Spider''
     XX@archers@civfig    [tp] : There have been no bids made on 'an honourary membership to 'Archers' and 'Civilized Fighters''
     XX@animist@spider    [tp] : There have been no bids made on 'an honourary membership to 'Animist' and 'Spider''
     XX@animist@crimson   [tp] : There have been no bids made on 'an honourary membership to 'Animist' and 'Crimson''
     XX@magepois@reaver   [tp] : There have been no bids made on 'an honourary membership to 'Mage Poison' and 'Reaver''
     XX@crimson@templar   [tp] : There have been no bids made on 'an honourary membership to 'Crimson' and 'Templar''

                                -- ^o^ --

  [Group L (Auction starts in 62d, 18h, 24min and 1s)]

     L@aelena@priest      [tp] : There have been no bids made on 'an honourary membership to 'Aelena' and 'Priests''

                                -- ^o^ --

  [Group LI (Auction starts in 68d, 13h, 24min and 1s)]

     LI@nergal@tiger      [xp] : There have been no bids made on 'an honourary membership to 'Nergal' and 'Tiger''

                                -- ^o^ --

  [Group LII (Auction starts in 73d, 12h, 24min and 1s)]

     LII@bard@druids      [tp] : There have been no bids made on 'an honourary membership to 'Bard' and 'Druids''

                                -- ^o^ --

  [Group LIII (Auction starts in 78d, 12h, 24min and 1s)]

     LIII@nergal@spider   [tp] : There have been no bids made on 'an honourary membership to 'Nergal' and 'Spider''

                                -- ^o^ --

  [Group LIV (Auction starts in 83d, 17h, 24min and 1s)]

     LIV@druids@priest    [xp] : There have been no bids made on 'an honourary membership to 'Druids' and 'Priests''

                                -- ^o^ --

  [Group C (Auction starts in 97d, 18h, 24min and 1s)]

     C@chan@folk          [tp] : There have been no bids made on 'an honourary membership to 'Channellers' and 'Folklorist''
     C@circle@tarma       [tp] : There have been no bids made on 'an honourary membership to 'Inner Circle' and 'Tarmalen''
     C@aelena@tiger       [tp] : There have been no bids made on 'an honourary membership to 'Aelena' and 'Tiger''
     C@beast@tzarakk      [tp] : There have been no bids made on 'an honourary membership to 'Beastmaster' and 'Tzarakk''
     C@magecold@rune      [tp] : There have been no bids made on 'an honourary membership to 'Mage Cold' and 'Runemages''
     C@druids@reaver      [tp] : There have been no bids made on 'an honourary membership to 'Druids' and 'Reaver''

                                -- ^o^ --

I'm sure you can guess, this shows only active section from above info.
COOL STUFF: Glaurung has this cool page that updates every 5 minutes for auction bids.

You tell Rixx (monster) 'auction brief'

-^o^--------^o^------------[ Winning Bids ]---------^o^----------^o^--

  [Group I (Auction is active! Final auction phase begins in 12d, 18h, 15min and 57s)]

     I@bard@nun           [tp] : Omnos has bid 100 Taskpoints [Min raise: 5]
     I@psi@spider         [xp] : Farliss has bid 66.6M Experience [Min raise: 100000]
     I@druids@rune        [xp] : Fuser has bid 50M Experience [Min raise: 100000]
     I@chan@nergal        [tp] : Deathseeker has bid 6000 Taskpoints [Min raise: 5]
     I@folk@magecold      [tp] : Blayke has bid 150 Taskpoints [Min raise: 5]
     I@kharim@spider      [xp] : Glaurung has bid 100M Experience [Min raise: 100000]

                                -- ^o^ --

PLEASE NOTE This history section will not be updated. It is here for display purposes only.
You tell Rixx (monster) 'auction history'

-^o^--------^o^------------[ Auction history ]---------^o^----------^o^--

  [Group I  (Auction is active)]

    an honourary membership to 'Bard' and 'Nun'
       Omnos bid 100 Taskpoints Mon Apr 15 09:10:38 2024
       Derfel bid 25 Taskpoints Sun Apr 14 23:57:49 2024
       Miksa bid 20 Taskpoints Sun Apr 14 22:37:40 2024
       Valkrist bid 10 Taskpoints Sun Apr 14 22:00:11 2024

    an honourary membership to 'Psionicist' and 'Spider'
       Farliss bid 66600000 Experience Mon Apr 15 20:04:15 2024
       Valkrist bid 30000000 Experience Mon Apr 15 20:02:24 2024
       Farliss bid 20000000 Experience Mon Apr 15 15:09:39 2024
       Davian bid 3000000 Experience Mon Apr 15 15:08:47 2024
       Farliss bid 2000000 Experience Mon Apr 15 15:07:10 2024
       Davian bid 1000000 Experience Sun Apr 14 22:19:27 2024

    an honourary membership to 'Druids' and 'Runemages'
       Fuser bid 50000000 Experience Mon Apr 15 14:40:19 2024
       Farliss bid 20000000 Experience Mon Apr 15 11:29:49 2024
       Fuser bid 5000000 Experience Mon Apr 15 03:33:58 2024
       Farliss bid 1000000 Experience Sun Apr 14 22:17:10 2024

    an honourary membership to 'Channellers' and 'Nergal'
       Deathseeker bid 6000 Taskpoints Mon Apr 15 08:56:47 2024
       Wicksius bid 5600 Taskpoints Mon Apr 15 08:56:31 2024
       Deathseeker bid 5500 Taskpoints Mon Apr 15 08:54:43 2024
       Wicksius bid 5100 Taskpoints Mon Apr 15 08:54:30 2024
       Deathseeker bid 5000 Taskpoints Mon Apr 15 08:51:55 2024
       Wicksius bid 4600 Taskpoints Mon Apr 15 08:51:42 2024
       Deathseeker bid 4500 Taskpoints Mon Apr 15 08:49:07 2024
       Wicksius bid 4005 Taskpoints Mon Apr 15 08:48:51 2024
       Deathseeker bid 4000 Taskpoints Mon Apr 15 08:48:03 2024
       Wicksius bid 3505 Taskpoints Mon Apr 15 08:43:37 2024
       Deathseeker bid 3500 Taskpoints Mon Apr 15 08:31:16 2024
       Valkrist bid 3100 Taskpoints Mon Apr 15 08:31:01 2024
       Deathseeker bid 3000 Taskpoints Mon Apr 15 08:30:24 2024
       Valkrist bid 2600 Taskpoints Mon Apr 15 08:30:10 2024
       Deathseeker bid 2500 Taskpoints Mon Apr 15 08:28:20 2024
       Wicksius bid 2100 Taskpoints Mon Apr 15 08:28:05 2024
       Deathseeker bid 2000 Taskpoints Mon Apr 15 08:27:38 2024
       Wicksius bid 1600 Taskpoints Mon Apr 15 08:27:19 2024
       Deathseeker bid 1500 Taskpoints Mon Apr 15 08:26:54 2024
       Wicksius bid 1200 Taskpoints Mon Apr 15 08:25:43 2024
       Deathseeker bid 1100 Taskpoints Mon Apr 15 08:25:08 2024
       Wicksius bid 1005 Taskpoints Mon Apr 15 08:21:06 2024
       Deathseeker bid 1000 Taskpoints Sun Apr 14 22:16:35 2024
       Wicksius bid 10 Taskpoints Sun Apr 14 22:05:34 2024

    an honourary membership to 'Folklorist' and 'Mage Cold'
       Blayke bid 150 Taskpoints Mon Apr 15 22:37:26 2024
       Living bid 30 Taskpoints Mon Apr 15 14:02:20 2024
       Fuser bid 20 Taskpoints Mon Apr 15 13:25:25 2024
       Living bid 15 Taskpoints Mon Apr 15 12:28:32 2024
       Caped bid 6 Taskpoints Mon Apr 15 10:45:15 2024
       Warund bid 1 Taskpoints Mon Apr 15 09:11:27 2024

    an honourary membership to 'Kharim' and 'Spider'
       Glaurung bid 100000000 Experience Sun Apr 14 22:32:19 2024
       Larppa bid 1000000 Experience Sun Apr 14 22:09:55 2024

                           -- ^o^ --

  [Group II  (Auction not started)]

    an honourary membership to 'Liberator' and 'Nun'
       There are no bids yet

    an honourary membership to 'Bard' and 'Tiger'
       There are no bids yet

    an honourary membership to 'Channellers' and 'Reaver'
       There are no bids yet

                           -- ^o^ --

  [Group III  (Auction not started)]

    an honourary membership to 'Nun' and 'Sabres'
       There are no bids yet

    an honourary membership to 'Aelena' and 'Channellers'
       There are no bids yet

    an honourary membership to 'Bard' and 'Reaver'
       There are no bids yet

                           -- ^o^ --

  [Group IV  (Auction not started)]

    an honourary membership to 'Psionicist' and 'Runemages'
       There are no bids yet

    an honourary membership to 'Liberator' and 'Runemages'
       There are no bids yet

    an honourary membership to 'Channellers' and 'Priests'
       There are no bids yet

                           -- ^o^ --

  [Group V  (Auction not started)]

    an honourary membership to 'Nun' and 'Riftwalker'
       There are no bids yet

    an honourary membership to 'Nergal' and 'Psionicist'
       There are no bids yet

    an honourary membership to 'Riftwalker' and 'Templar'
       There are no bids yet

                           -- ^o^ --

  [Group VI  (Auction not started)]

    an honourary membership to 'Bard' and 'Spider'
       There are no bids yet

    an honourary membership to 'Liberator' and 'Mage Magical'
       There are no bids yet

    an honourary membership to 'Animist' and 'Inner Circle'
       There are no bids yet

                           -- ^o^ --

  [Group VII  (Auction not started)]

    an honourary membership to 'Druids' and 'Tiger'
       There are no bids yet

    an honourary membership to 'Inner Circle' and 'Templar'
       There are no bids yet

    an honourary membership to 'Kharim' and 'Tzarakk'
       There are no bids yet

                           -- ^o^ --

  [Group VIII  (Auction not started)]

    an honourary membership to 'Psionicist' and 'Tarmalen'
       There are no bids yet

    an honourary membership to 'Inner Circle' and 'Nun'
       There are no bids yet

    an honourary membership to 'Folklorist' and 'Mage Poison'
       There are no bids yet

                           -- ^o^ --

  [Group IX  (Auction not started)]

    an honourary membership to 'Druids' and 'Psionicist'
       There are no bids yet

    an honourary membership to 'Archers' and 'Runemages'
       There are no bids yet

    an honourary membership to 'Animist' and 'Mage Poison'
       There are no bids yet

                           -- ^o^ --

  [Group X  (Auction not started)]

    an honourary membership to 'Channellers' and 'Nun'
       There are no bids yet

    an honourary membership to 'Channellers' and 'Runemages'
       There are no bids yet

    an honourary membership to 'Beastmaster' and 'Nun'
       There are no bids yet

    an honourary membership to 'Folklorist' and 'Tiger'
       There are no bids yet

    an honourary membership to 'Psionicist' and 'Reaver'
       There are no bids yet

    an honourary membership to 'Channellers' and 'Sabres'
       There are no bids yet

    an honourary membership to 'Psionicist' and 'Templar'
       There are no bids yet

    an honourary membership to 'Crimson' and 'Liberator'
       There are no bids yet

    an honourary membership to 'Archers' and 'Bard'
       There are no bids yet

    an honourary membership to 'Ranger' and 'Tarmalen'
       There are no bids yet

    an honourary membership to 'Civmage' and 'Riftwalker'
       There are no bids yet

    an honourary membership to 'Inner Circle' and 'Spider'
       There are no bids yet

    an honourary membership to 'Cavalier' and 'Channellers'
       There are no bids yet

    an honourary membership to 'Folklorist' and 'Mage Electricity'
       There are no bids yet

    an honourary membership to 'Archers' and 'Nergal'
       There are no bids yet

    an honourary membership to 'Mage Magical' and 'Tarmalen'
       There are no bids yet

    an honourary membership to 'Aelena' and 'Tzarakk'
       There are no bids yet

    an honourary membership to 'Mage Poison' and 'Priests'
       There are no bids yet

    an honourary membership to 'Aelena' and 'Mage Asphyxiation'
       There are no bids yet

    an honourary membership to 'Mage Fire' and 'Templar'
       There are no bids yet

                           -- ^o^ --

  [Group XI  (Auction not started)]

    an honourary membership to 'Channellers' and 'Liberator'
       There are no bids yet

    an honourary membership to 'Runemages' and 'Spider'
       There are no bids yet

    an honourary membership to 'Aelena' and 'Inner Circle'
       There are no bids yet

                           -- ^o^ --

  [Group XX  (Auction not started)]

    an honourary membership to 'Nun' and 'Psionicist'
       There are no bids yet

    an honourary membership to 'Folklorist' and 'Riftwalker'
       There are no bids yet

    an honourary membership to 'Barbarian' and 'Runemages'
       There are no bids yet

    an honourary membership to 'Nun' and 'Ranger'
       There are no bids yet

    an honourary membership to 'Civilized Fighters' and 'Psionicist'
       There are no bids yet

    an honourary membership to 'Liberator' and 'Sabres'
       There are no bids yet

    an honourary membership to 'Runemages' and 'Spider'
       There are no bids yet

    an honourary membership to 'Civilized Fighters' and 'Tarmalen'
       There are no bids yet

    an honourary membership to 'Archers' and 'Liberator'
       There are no bids yet

    an honourary membership to 'Barbarian' and 'Templar'
       There are no bids yet

    an honourary membership to 'Archers' and 'Channellers'
       There are no bids yet

    an honourary membership to 'Civmage' and 'Liberator'
       There are no bids yet

    an honourary membership to 'Knight' and 'Spider'
       There are no bids yet

    an honourary membership to 'Druids' and 'Knight'
       There are no bids yet

    an honourary membership to 'Civilized Fighters' and 'Nergal'
       There are no bids yet

    an honourary membership to 'Civmage' and 'Tarmalen'
       There are no bids yet

    an honourary membership to 'Inner Circle' and 'Knight'
       There are no bids yet

    an honourary membership to 'Civmage' and 'Nergal'
       There are no bids yet

    an honourary membership to 'Aelena' and 'Archers'
       There are no bids yet

    an honourary membership to 'Civmage' and 'Spider'
       There are no bids yet

    an honourary membership to 'Archers' and 'Civilized Fighters'
       There are no bids yet

    an honourary membership to 'Animist' and 'Spider'
       There are no bids yet

    an honourary membership to 'Animist' and 'Crimson'
       There are no bids yet

    an honourary membership to 'Mage Poison' and 'Reaver'
       There are no bids yet

    an honourary membership to 'Crimson' and 'Templar'
       There are no bids yet

                           -- ^o^ --

  [Group L  (Auction not started)]

    an honourary membership to 'Aelena' and 'Priests'
       There are no bids yet

                           -- ^o^ --

  [Group LI  (Auction not started)]

    an honourary membership to 'Nergal' and 'Tiger'
       There are no bids yet

                           -- ^o^ --

  [Group LII  (Auction not started)]

    an honourary membership to 'Bard' and 'Druids'
       There are no bids yet

                           -- ^o^ --

  [Group LIII  (Auction not started)]

    an honourary membership to 'Nergal' and 'Spider'
       There are no bids yet

                           -- ^o^ --

  [Group LIV  (Auction not started)]

    an honourary membership to 'Druids' and 'Priests'
       There are no bids yet

                           -- ^o^ --

  [Group C  (Auction not started)]

    an honourary membership to 'Channellers' and 'Folklorist'
       There are no bids yet

    an honourary membership to 'Inner Circle' and 'Tarmalen'
       There are no bids yet

    an honourary membership to 'Aelena' and 'Tiger'
       There are no bids yet

    an honourary membership to 'Beastmaster' and 'Tzarakk'
       There are no bids yet

    an honourary membership to 'Mage Cold' and 'Runemages'
       There are no bids yet

    an honourary membership to 'Druids' and 'Reaver'
       There are no bids yet

                           -- ^o^ --